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    Vaibhav Kumar

    communityCredihealth Admin
    Administration @ Credicommunity13 April 2018 at 14:45

    Credihealth Community is available 24×7 for all days. At CrediCommunity you can get personalized and detailed answers to all your health questions by verified doctors and medical experts for FREE.

    Dt. Neha Suryawanshi

    credihealthVerified Dietician
    Member since 07 February 201813 May 2018 at 15:39


    B.D.S16 June 2018 at 16:26

    Every doctor has a different consultation fee; kindly specify which doctor's fee would you like to know and in which hospital

    One among those Engineers of India.29 May 2018 at 09:47

    A malaria infection is generally characterized by recurrent attacks with the following signs and symptoms: Moderate to severe shaking chills High fever Sweating Other signs and symptoms....

    Vaibhav Kumar

    communityCredihealth Admin
    Administration @ Credicommunity12 June 2018 at 15:38

    Dr. Tathagata Das is a Consultant at the Department of Orthopaedics in Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, He has several years experience in his field. You can get an appointment with Dr. Tathagata Das

    Budding data scientist | Love data18 June 2018 at 16:18

    Some of the symptoms of sinusitis are: A sinus headache Facial tenderness, Pressure or pain in the sinuses, in the ears and teeth Fever Cloudy discolored nasal or postnasal drainage Th....

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health08 September 2018 at 12:40

    hypothyroidism since birth means child born with improper thyroid gland or no thyroid gland at all. children born with it are bound to face growth issues like shorter than average height short....

    Member since 18 July 201818 July 2018 at 13:24

    How Can Payment Dr Visit Free 400 Rs

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health08 September 2018 at 12:30

    hi. please see a plastic surgeon or a cosmetologist for the same. you can find good surgeons here in delhi or mumbai. please drop a query on and we will guide you to the doctor.

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health08 September 2018 at 12:30

    bone marrow is not indicated in this case. is there any history of fever or body ache? if yes, then since how long?

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health08 September 2018 at 12:29

    please share your test results for better understanding.

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health08 September 2018 at 12:29

    please get TTG test done for your baby and also see a pediatrician to rule out Inflammatory bowel syndrome. TTG test will rule out gluten allergy.

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health31 July 2018 at 09:20

    Please mention site of ‘chaale’. If they are inside of oral cavity, then they are called oral ulcers and treatment is daily dose of vitamin b12 and local application of smyle gel. Also, avoid spicy fo

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health31 July 2018 at 09:18

    Please answer the following questions: Fever since how long? How high did the fever go? Did you check his/her temperature temporally or anal using a thermometer? Is th....

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health07 August 2018 at 09:25

    At what age did you get this surgery done? It would be best for you to go for counseling with your urologist or sex specialist as people who undergo hypospadias have trouble with an active sex life

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health07 August 2018 at 09:19

    Did you mean renal ‘collapse’?

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health07 August 2018 at 09:17

    Chronic pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas that does not heal or improve—it gets worse over time and leads to permanent damage. Chronic pancreatitis eventually impairs a patient’s ability to....

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health16 August 2018 at 09:42

    What is your age? Since how long have you had chest pain? Any other accompanying symptoms?  Please visit the nearest emergency and get an ECG done. The emergency doctor would be able to tell you of t

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health16 August 2018 at 09:37

    Anterior horn disease is a condition that affects the anterior horn cells, which are responsible for voluntary muscle activities, such as breathing, walking, swallowing & speaking. Anterior horn d....

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health16 August 2018 at 09:33

    Burning sensation could be because of probable urinary tract infection. Please drink a lot of water and get an early morning urine sample for culture sensitivity testing. Once you get the report, plea