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أتول جاين طبيب

एमबीबीएस, एमएस - अस्थि-रोग, फैलोशिप - ज्वाइंट रिप्लेसमेंट

مستشار - جراحة العظام

23 سنوات من الخبرة العظام

أتول جاين طبيب هو العظام مشهور في نيو دلهي ويمارس حاليًا في Pushpanjali Medical Centre, New Delhi, Delhi NCR. على مدار السنوات 23 الماضية، عمل أتول جاين طبيب كـ أطباء العظام واكتسب مهارات ومعرفة متقنة في هذا المجال.أتول جاين طبيب حصل في من King George's Medical Coll...
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أسئلة متكررة

Q: How much experience does Dr Atul Jain have? up arrow

A: The Doctor has 23 years of extensive experience in the field

Q: Where is Pushpanjali Medical Centre Hospital located? up arrow

A: The hospital is located at A 14/15 Pushpanjali, Vikas Marg extension, Karkardooma, Anand Vihar, New Delh, 110092

Q: What does Dr Atul Jain specialize in? up arrow

A: He specializes in Orthopedics and Joint Replacement

Q: What are consultation fees for this doctor? up arrow

A: The consultation fees for this doctor are Rs 300 /-

Q: How can I book an appointment with Dr Atul Jain at Pushpanjali Medical Centre Hospital ? up arrow

A: You can book an appointment with Dr Atul Jain online or talk to a Credihealth Medical Expert for assistance.

Atul Jain Orthopedist