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رأب الأوعية التاجية

بدءًا من: Rs. 69,000
●   نوع الإجراء:  إجراء طبي غير جراحي
●   وظيفة:  يساعد على توسيع الشرايين التاجية المحظورة لتدفق الدم
●   الأسماء الشائعة:  رأب الأوعية التاجية عن طريق الجلد (PTCA)/التدخل التاجي عن طريق الجلد (PCI)
●   شدة الألم:  إجراء أقل غزو
●   مدة الإجراء: 1-2 Hours
●   أيام المستشفى : 2 - 3 Days
●   نوع التخدير: محلي

احصل على تكلفة رأب الأوعية التاجية في شانديغار

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ما هو متوسط تكلفة رأب الأوعية التاجية في شانديغار؟

تبدأ تكلفة رأب الأوعية التاجية في شانديغار من Rs. 70,000 التي تعتمد على عوامل متعددة.

مقابلة الطبيب ذات الصلة

أسئلة متكررة

Q: Can I get my coronary angioplasty done with the medium of Credihealth? up arrow

A: Yes, you can have your booking for the procedure through the medium of Credihealth.

Q: Does the coronary angioplasty cost in Chandigarh vary from hospital to hospital? up arrow

A: Yes, it depends on the facilities provided by the hospital and the recovery time, which can minimally take three days.

Q: Do I need to get coronary angioplasty for fast heart rhythms? up arrow

A: No, it is not the only symptom for which you may require coronary angioplasty. You can discuss such things with your doctor. They may help you better.

Q: How long does it take to complete the procedure of coronary angioplasty? up arrow

A: The procedure takes nearly 30 minutes to 2 hours. The body requires to be prepared for the procedure. Also, depending on your medical condition, your doctor may let you go back home the same day, or else you will be required to have bed rest in the hospital for at least one more day.

Q: How much does it take to recover from coronary angioplasty? up arrow

A: On average, you may require 2-3 days to recover. You will have to take care of the food you are taking. You can try to involve light and less oily food in your diet. Else, you can discuss it with your doctor.

Q: I got my coronary angioplasty done six months back. Do I need to have the procedure again? up arrow

A: No, the procedure is valid from six months to one year. However, you can get your stent checked every three to six months.

Q: What can Credihealth offer me for coronary angioplasty in Chandigarh? up arrow

A: Crediheal offers you discounts, coupons, and codes. The platform helps you with minimum charges that are available only for regular users.

Q: What does coronary angioplasty aim for? up arrow

A: Coronary angioplasty is the procedure that helps to widen the blocked or narrowed blood vessels supplying blood to the heart.

Q: What factors impact the coronary angioplasty cost in Chandigarh? up arrow

A: The stent cost in Chandigarh may vary from hospital to hospital depending on the luxurious or moderate facilities being provided.

Q: What is coronary angioplasty cost in Chandigarh? up arrow

A: The cost depends on the number of stents you are going to have. However, the charges may vary from INR 40,000 to INR 2 lac.

الصفحة الرئيسية
رأب الأوعية التاجية التكلفة