
35th Week of Pregnancy: Five Weeks To Go

This article gives a comprehensive guide on changes in babies and women during the 35th week of pregnancy. It explains some signs of labor and what things to do during this week.

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Are you 35 weeks pregnant? Well, you are about to enter the last month of pregnancy. This is the 35th week of pregnancy which is not going to be easy for you. Many 35 weeks of pregnant symptoms can make your journey difficult. Do not stress as the baby will come when they will be ready to show up. But you have to be well-informed about this week of the pregnancy so that you won’t end up with any complications. Here's what 35-week pregnant women have to look forward to this week. Read the article!

Growth in A Little Baby: 35th Week of Pregnancy

Can you now guess the baby's size in the 35th week of pregnancy? The baby is about the size of a honeydew melon. The length will be nearly 18.5 inches and will weigh about 5.5 pounds. The baby is preparing himself for the world outside. They are building up some fat day by day to regulate their body temperature after birth. In the case of the baby boy, his testicles are starting to descend from his abdomen into his scrotum.

During the 35th week of pregnancy, the baby is floating in about a quart of amniotic fluid, which will decrease gradually. They will keep on floating and changing their position often. The physical development of the baby is almost done. At the end of the 36th week, the baby will rotate to a head-down position for labour and delivery.

Changes in 35 Weeks Pregnant Women

>As the baby is gaining weight, your uterus will keep on increasing week by week. The 35-week pregnant mothers will experience many changes in their bodies. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • The breast size is still increasing. You’ll experience sore ribs because the baby changes its position (head-down) and kicks the legs. This pain will ease when the baby moves down into your pelvis. But, we advise you to consult the doctor to know the accurate reason for the pain.
  • Your belly button may feel tender and you may experience shortness of breath, which is quite common during this week. You may also feel Braxton Hicks contractions. But if the pain is severe, then call your doctor now. This could also be a sign of early labour.
  • You may experience aches and pains in your pelvis and hips. This discomfort is a sign that your body is preparing itself for childbirth. It occurs when your ligaments start loosening to make the way for the baby to come out of the uterus into a new world.
  • You may find the frequent urge to pee as a baby during this week starts putting pressure on the uterus. This can lead to dehydration, increasing the chances of preterm labor. So, remain hydrated.
  • Constipation can occur and the reason is the uterus becomes heavier which puts pressure on the bowels. So, it’s better to consume fibre-rich food and drink plenty of water.
  • Some 35 weeks of pregnancy symptoms are headache, hemorrhoids, bleeding gums, skin rashes, stretch marks, and troubled sleep.

Note: You have to visit your doctor or midwife every two weeks to ensure that everything is normal inside the womb.

Signs of Labor at 35 Weeks of Pregnancy

Here are some crucial signs that alert your baby is about to enter the new world:

  • Water breaking: If you notice something more like a water flow and less like a vaginal discharge, it tells you your water has broken. It can occur in a fast flow or slowly that will just keep coming out.
  • Painful contractions: If you suddenly start feeling pain in your belly or back at the 35th week of pregnancy instead of mild tightness, it could be a sign of labor.
  • Regular contractions: Contractions happening regularly and not stopping and occurring with more pain can indicate a sign of labor.

Note: If you’re unsure of any sign of labor in the 35th week, always consult with your gynaecologist to avoid potential risks.

Things to Do During 35th Week of Pregnancy

There are some important things you need to consider during the 35th week of pregnancy. Those include:

  • Sleep on your side: Research shows that sleeping on the back can result in more risk of stillbirths. So, it’s recommended to sleep on your side. The pregnant mother should also take a daytime nap as it’ll boost energy and avoid tiredness.
  • Pack your hospital bag: This week is the time to pack your bag for childbirth. The things to pack are comfortable maternity clothes, socks, toiletries and personal items, photo ID, and hospital forms.
  • Use pregnancy pillow: During this week, pregnancy pillows can be a great lifesaver. It maintains the perfect sleeping position. Additionally, it prevents pressure on the hips while lying.
  • Try to avoid pregnancy insomnia: Around 78%of pregnant women are affected by pregnancy insomnia. This can be problematic during the 3rd trimester when your baby is active, you have a big belly, and you’re almost tired. So, the best idea is to take a warm bath, practice meditation, or try relaxation exercises.
  • Consume more fiber: More fiber intake is the perfect way to relieve constipation. So, start having chickpeas, spinach, lentils, apples, pears, berries, or nuts as they are highly rich in fiber.

Final Thoughts

It's the 35th week of pregnancy, you should not take anything lightly. Take a well-balanced diet and drink more and more water to store energy for the time of delivery. Don't avoid exercise and yoga for easy delivery. Look for signs of labor to avoid any potential complications. Moreover, always consult with the doctors if you experience or find something unusual in your health. Just five weeks to go, enjoy, and take care of yourself and your baby.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is 35 weeks good for delivery?

No, 35 weeks isn’t good for delivery as it can put the babies at higher health risks.

What to avoid during 35 weeks of pregnancy?

Avoid caffeinated beverages as they can lead to indigestion, restlessness, and difficulty in sleeping.

What position is baby in week 35 of pregnancy?

The baby is settled in your uterus this week, with the legs up and heads down.

Can I start labor at 35 weeks?

Starting labor at 35 weeks of pregnancy can lead to premature childbirth.

What pains are normal at 35 weeks?

Sore ribs are normal at 35 weeks of pregnancy.