
5 Most Common Eye Problems Explained

Eyes are usually taken for granted, these organs are susceptible to a lot of problems other than the inherited ones. Read about 5 common eye problems here.

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While a lot of eye-related issues such as near-sightedness, retinal degeneration, etc are inherited; there are a lot of eye disorders that are acquired. These can range from mild to severe, at times causing serious problems. 5 common eye problems explained:

1. Conjunctivitis

Commonly known as 'Pink Eye', this is a direct result of viral or bacterial infection. The conjunctiva or the membrane that covers the white part of our eyes gets infected. Inflamed, red, and watery eyes are the symptoms of this condition. This condition usually disappears without any treatment within a week.

There are two types of Conjunctivitis - viral and bacterial. Both conditions are very contagious. Viral conjunctivitis may last up to 2 weeks.

2. Stye

Appearing like a small pimple at the outer edge of the eyelid, stye is very painful. It is also known as hordeolum. Poor hygiene is the main reason for this problem. The infection remains for some weeks. If it doesn't subside, a couple of eye drops should be administered. If it persists even then and doesn't burst on its own, it might have to be surgically removed.

3. Ocular Herpes (Yes, there is such a thing!)

Caused due to the ocular herpes virus, this disease is considered to be one of the most contagious diseases. The condition causes the cornea to be inflamed. This virus can spread through direct contact. Anti-viral drugs are ideal for treating or preventing reoccurrences of this infection, which can cause corneal blindness.

4. Trachoma

This is a dangerous bacterial infection that spreads when a person comes in direct contact with the eyes, nose, and throat secretions of an infected person. Usually, it affects both eyes, causing irritation, itching, pain, and blurred vision. If a person contracts Trachoma, it has to be treated immediately, or else it might lead to blindness.

5. Ocular Toxoplasmosis

Commonly seen in cats, this is an infection caused by a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. The main reason for acquiring this infection is the consumption of improperly cooked food. It can also spread while cleaning the cat litter box or if you or your child comes in contact with areas infected with the parasite. The infection can cause serious damage, leading to black spots and blurry vision.

Precautionary Measures

Keep your hands and surroundings clean all the time. Frequently wash to ensure infections do not get spread. In case you are infected, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Eyes being sensitive organs, require good care to prevent temporary or permanent eye damage or loss of vision. Even mild issues have to be taken seriously. Do not wear contact lenses if you have an infection.

Also Read: Sunken Eyes: Causes, How They Look and Treatments