
5 Reasons You Should Establish Care With A Dermatologist

Despite their specific field of study and skillset, there are numerous merits to establishing care with a dermatologist. Find out what...

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As far as medical care is concerned, people generally prefer the services of general practitioners for their healthcare needs. After all, a GP can tend to common health conditions, which is what most people experience throughout their lifetime. Furthermore, they have a diverse skill set which can come in quite handy in many situations. You can rely on them for prescriptions, rehabilitation, and more. A dermatologist is a medical doctor that specializes in conditions and concerns regarding hair, nails, and skin. These health practitioners are often well-versed in the medical, surgical, and cosmetic side of dermatology. Therefore, if you intend to establish care with a health practitioner to keep your hair, skin, and nails healthy, a dermatologist should be your first choice. But first, what does it mean to establish care? 

What does it mean to establish care? 

When you establish care with a dermatologist, you intend to ask a dermatologist to become your primary source of medical care for dermatology. If they agree, they will look into everything about you that can help them perform their duties. For example, they may look into the following information:
  • Medical records 
  • Current health issues 
  • Family dynamics 
  • Basic insurance information 
They may also look into your current routine to help them develop a regime or provide advice that can get you closer to your goal for better health. As you may imagine, establishing care is a much bigger deal than you initially thought. Although you can still seek medical care from someone or somewhere else, the benefits you will enjoy may vary. So why should you establish care with a dermatologist
  • Dermatologists can administer treatments that enhance your appearance 

First of all, as stated earlier, dermatologists may specialize in either the medical, surgical, or cosmetic aspects of the study. The cosmetic aspect, in particular, deals with dermatology treatments that enhance one's appearance. While a dermatologist is highly unlikely to dabble in all three of these aspects, most of them should be able to administer basic cosmetic treatments, such as the following:
  • Tattoo removal 
  • Laser therapy 
  • Light therapy 
  • Hair transplants 
  • Dermal fillers 
  • Chemical peels 
  • Microdermabrasion 
These treatments are especially handy for self-conscious individuals, patients suffering from appearance-changing skin conditions, and people who simply want to enhance their appearance. A dermatologist specializing in the cosmetic area can also provide tips that go a long way in enhancing your appearance. For instance, they can teach you how to reduce wrinkles or acne on your face and inform you of the things you must not do that may compromise your appearance. Furthermore, a dermatologist has a wealth of information on which treatment or product works and which does not.
  • They are valuable sources of cosmetic treatment and product advice 

As you may already know, the medical sector—specifically the beauty care market—is filled with all sorts of treatments and products that people believe to have numerous benefits to their users. For example, these days, people are going crazy over anti-aging serums. If there is anyone who knows about these products best, it would be dermatologists, and that alone is a reason to establish care with these doctors. One may even argue that they know which products work and which do not, which can be pretty handy if you're looking to invest in these types of products as you can filter good products from bad ones. Moreover, if you're currently using makeup and other basic cosmetic products like hair cream and facial lotions, dermatologists can advise you on how to make the most of these products with tips and tricks. Simply put, dermatologists are the best medical doctors as far as cosmetics are concerned.
  • They are well-versed in thousands of skin, hair, and nail conditions 

Apart from their expertise in the cosmetics side of their study, most dermatologists are also reasonably well-versed in the medical aspect of dermatology. To put it into perspective, your average dermatologist is knowledgeable about thousands of skin, hair, and nail conditions. These may include the following:
  • Acne 
  • Eczema 
  • Hives 
  • Ichthyosis. 
  • Psoriasis 
  • Rosacea 
  • Vitiligo 
Once you establish care with a dermatologist, you can book appointments regularly to get updates on your condition. Even if you aren't suffering from any of these, they can still provide personalized tips to help you achieve better health for your skin, hair, and nails. And remember, the keyword here is personalized. This is mainly because your skin, hair, and nails are not like everyone else's.
  • Your skin, hair, and nails are not the same as everyone else's 

Unlike your other body parts, the skin, hair, and nails carry properties unique only to themselves, so it's only right to assume that each individual requires a different care regime. Take your skin, for example. Melanin, a natural skin pigment that absorbs and protects against excessive ultraviolet light, differs in an amount from one person to another. People with more melanin appear darker, while those with only a little bit of it have a relatively light appearance. The same goes for your hair and nails, as they may vary in terms of growth rate, size, and shape. Naturally, the way you handle it must also differ.  In short, a care plan that works for others may not work for you. And since establishing care with a dermatologist means they will learn about your health, they can help you more intimately.
  • Over-the-counter medications are usually ineffective against skin problems 

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications typically work against common health conditions like the flu and back pain. While they may not fix the issue immediately, they are effective in treating them. For instance, if you're suffering from the flu, taking zanamivir or oseltamivir should relieve its symptoms temporarily until you get better. The same goes for toothache, as you can take ibuprofen to ease the pain. But that may not hold true for most skin conditions. If you're suffering from a severe case of acne, for example, finding a medication that works in relieving its symptoms might be difficult. That's precisely why having a dermatologist as your primary medical care provider would be quite beneficial to your health, especially if you often suffer from these types of problems. 

Final words 

When establishing care with a medical doctor, dermatologists are rarely the first idea to come to mind. After all, they have a rather specific skill set, which tends to turn off patients as they prefer medical doctors who are pretty well-rounded. However, dermatologists can be as well-rounded as general practitioners, and if you have specific needs, they can be a strong contender as your primary source of medical care.  Call +91 8010-994-994 and talk to Credihealth Medical Experts for FREE. Get assistance in choosing the right specialist doctor and clinic, compare treatment costs from various centers, and timely medical updates
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