
5 Ways To Keep Your Husband Happy

Here are 5 ways to keep your husband happy and restore the lost charm in your marriage.

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Years into marriage and your relationship has become complacent but is that all what you want? Most married women seek contentment from their partner while married men seek pleasure and excitement from their wives.

Though equally responsible, but onus lies a bit more with woman to drive her relationship into that ultimate state of bliss where both of you rejoice and enjoy your partnership. And, all this starts with - keeping your husband happy. Here are 5 ways to keep your husband happy and restore the lost charm in your marriage:

Stop nagging and arguing

Who'll want to come home to an arguing partner? Let him have his way sometimes at least. The way it's popularly said 'choose your battles carefully' - accept differences in opinions and avoid intruding into his space. Men fiercely safeguard their space and identity so better not to contend in that area. Making him small fights can only help you win the battle.

Have an active and interesting sex life

Sex - a very basic human necessity that is swathed in hesitation. A good sex life gives boost to not only your physical bodies but also one's echo, emotions and attachment. Sex does not just mean the 'act', it involves the whole process of touching, exploring and imbibing each other. Woo your husband by trying something new, wearing an attractive dress or initiating a naughty conversation. This will surely spice up your sex life.

Re-ignite the romance

Remember how it was when you were newly married, there was always this thought of 'how to surprise your husband' circling your mind. Get that thought back. Make him feel special, loved and desirable. Snuggle a warm hug, hold his hand, a loving text message, a cheeky kiss or even a shower together - there are so many such small gestures that can display your affection. Cook something he loves to eat or arrange a romantic candle light dinner when he returns from office.

Take care of yourself

Be conscious of your looks and dress the way you did back when you were a teenager. Maintain your weight, wear good dresses, apply a bit of makeup (of course, don't overdo it!) and pursue a hobby. Self-grooming goes a long way in making you happy too.

Do things together

The most romantic couples cherish the moments they spend together doing or creating something. If your husband likes adventure, why not accompany him on his next travelling or mountain climbing trip. Watch a cricket match or an action movie, hang-out with friends and even enjoy the silent moments of togetherness.

The trick is simple to make him fall in love with you all over again just the way you did when you were dating or got married!
Categorized into General Health,Women Health
Tagged in Sex