
Bad Breath Treatment: 15 Effective Ways To Fight Bad Breath

Read about Bad breath treatment; The first thing you need to establish the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon, after trying the traditional methods of treatment. Have a look here to read about how to get rid of bad breath.

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'An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But an onion a day keeps everyone away.' Well, not only an onion. Any reason that causes bad breath. It is not entirely possible to detect the odor of your breath on your own. But it is possible to avoid the embarrassment it may cause. If you are suspicious about your breath, have a look at the following bad breath treatment measures.

How To Get Rid Of Bad Breath - Bad Breath Treatment

In the following post, we shall be studying how to avoid bad breath along with home remedies for bad breath. Read on to find out.

1. Never forget to brush your teeth

Needless to say, brushing your teeth is one of the most important aspects of good oral hygiene. Some particles of the food you intake remain in your mouth and stick around in the small spaces between your teeth. These particles may decay if you don't brush regularly. These decayed food particles are the main causes of bad breath. Bad Breath Treatment, How to get rid of Bad Breath, Home remedies for bad breath, bad breath remedies, How to avoid bad breath Another reason why you should brush your teeth regularly is to wash away plaque. Plaque is the sticky film that gets accumulated on your teeth. The plaques contains bacteria which can damage teeth and produce foul smell from the mouth. We know you start your day by brushing your teeth. But ending your day with brushing is equally important. Brushing teeth two times a day ensures the absence of unwanted food particles in the mouth. If you ignore the health of your teeth, they will literally go away.

2. Scrape your tongue

You may like sticking out your tongue to tease your friends or siblings. But don't stick an unclean tongue. An unclean tongue will produce an odd smell and may instead embarrass you. Bad Breath Treatment, How to get rid of Bad Breath, Home remedies for bad breath, bad breath remedies, How to avoid bad breath Brushing your tongue is as important as brushing your teeth. Bad bacteria gets accumulated in your mouth and settles on your tongue. The bad bacteria is the white colored layer that covers your tongue and produces bad breath. Tongue scrapes are available in the market to help you deal with this problem.

3. Stop smoking

If you are a regular smoker, you would feel the need to pop a mint after smoking a cigarette. But the mint does not erase the foul smell that tobacco creates. Ingesting tobacco and smoking cigarettes are responsible for bad breath. Bad Breath Treatment, How to get rid of Bad Breath, Home remedies for bad breath, bad breath remedies, How to avoid bad breath Exposure of tobacco smoke to the gums leads to the presence of bad breath. Smoking also turns your teeth yellow. So don't just kick the cigarette's rear but the whole of it and smell good. Also, Read about Why Should I quit Smoking?

4. Don't let your mouth stay dry

Almost all aspects of good healthcare promote hydration. So does oral hygiene. Dry mouth is a medical condition known as xerostomia. It is the absence of saliva in the mouth. Saliva is necessary to moisten the mouth and wash away dead cells. Bad Breath Treatment, How to get rid of Bad Breath, Home remedies for bad breath, bad breath remedies, How to avoid bad breath Saliva also neutralizes the acid formed by plaque. The absence of saliva or dry mouth allows the dead cells and bacteria to build up. This collection goes on to be the reason for bad breath. It is necessary to keep drinking water so that your mouth does not get completely dry.

5. Food items to avoid

Bad Breath Treatment, How to get rid of Bad Breath, Home remedies for bad breath, bad breath remedies, How to avoid bad breath Do not say Cheese!! There are some food products that create a foul smell in the mouth. The smell created by eating such food items remains in the mouth and can cause distress. Here is a list of food items that will answer your question of how to avoid bad breath: cheese, garlic, onion, coffee, alcohol, canned tuna, dairy and more.

6. Food items to eat

You may be sad because of the diet adjustments you had to make. But don't worry. There are some food items that work as bad breath remedies. These foods eliminate the foul smell and replace it with a natural nice smell in the mouth. Food items which you should eat to treat bad breath include oranges, lemons, apples, carrots, probiotic yogurt, walnuts, cherries and more.

7. Replace your old toothbrush with a new one

Do you like wearing clothes that have worn off or look old? No, right. So why use the old toothbrush time and again. Bad Breath Treatment, How to get rid of Bad Breath, Home remedies for bad breath, bad breath remedies, How to avoid bad breath One of the key bad breath remedies is changing your gear for brushing teeth. If you keep using a toothbrush for a very long period of time, it will eventually wear off. Your old toothbrush would not be able to properly clean your mouth. It is advised by medical experts to change your toothbrush regularly. You should change your toothbrush every 3 months.

8. Mint and Parsley leave

Chewing on parsley and mint leaves after meals can help reduce the effects of bad breath. They may not be able to completely treat the problem but mint and parsley are superheroes when it comes to fighting bad breath. These leaves also help in the digestion process.

9. Gargling

Your elders may have suggested this to you several times. Gargling is an age-old technique. It helps in maintaining oral hygiene and removes bad odor from the mouth. Bad Breath Treatment, How to get rid of Bad Breath, Home remedies for bad breath, bad breath remedies, How to avoid bad breath Gargling with lukewarm salty water is the best way to treat bad breath. The unnecessary bacteria and hidden food particles get washed away by gargling and do not hide in the mouth.

10. Cinnamon Sticks, Cloves and Fennel Seeds

There are several home remedies for bad breath treatment. Clove has antiseptic properties that can kill bacteria and helps remove foul smell. Similarly, fennel seeds can be turned into powder and applied to teeth and gums. Fennel seeds are also known for providing fresh breath. Cinnamon sticks are one of the most common remedies in India. Chewing on a cinnamon stick can remove the rotten smell from the mouth.

11. Green Tea

Bad Breath Treatment, How to get rid of Bad Breath, Home remedies for bad breath, bad breath remedies, How to avoid bad breath Green tea is famous for its antioxidant properties. These properties are favorable for treating bad breath. Drinking green tea twice a day will help you in getting rid of toxins. This will further treat bad breath.

12. Yoga for bad breath

Apart from a flexible physique, good posture, and a healthy body, here is another advantage of performing yoga. Some yoga exercises have proven to be of great benefit for bad breath treatment. These exercises include sun salutations, lion pose, cooling breath among others. Yoga helps in improving digestion and helps in fighting bad breath. De-stressing, flossing and visiting the dentist regularly are also some bad breath treatments. Bad breath can change the way people communicate with you. They would rather talk to you over the phone than confront the foul smell. Don't worry. Use the above methods on how to get rid of bad breath and enjoy a healthy social life. Must read the article 10 Most Common Causes of Bad BreathFor more information and free personalized guidance, talk to Credihealth Medical Experts today.