
Category: Tumor

Delve into Tumor Insights: Discover their origins, types, and available treatments. These blogs provide accessible knowledge and assistance. Whether you or a loved one face tumors, you're not alone – we're here to support you. Stay updated and learn effective management strategies. Join our community, share experiences, and gain advice for navigating life with tumors.

What are the Symptoms of Brain Tumors in Females?

What are the Symptoms of Brain Tumors in Females?

Brain tumors can be difficult to diagnose, but certain symptoms of brain tumors in females are more common in than others. Get informed about your risk today!

By Garima Yadav

By Garima Yadav

over 1 year • 8 min read

Uterine Fibroid Symptoms: Causes & Risk Factors

Uterine Fibroid Symptoms: Causes & Risk Factors

Are you curious about the symptoms, causes, & risk factors of uterine fibroids? If yes, check out our blog to learn more details about uterine fibroid symptoms.

By Credihealth Admin

over 1 year • 3 min read

#MedantaSpecial: Medulloblastoma - A Rare Brain Tumor

#MedantaSpecial: Medulloblastoma - A Rare Brain Tumor

Medulloblastoma - A Rare Brain Tumor: Medulloblastoma is a cancerous tumour of the brain and the central nervous system, most commonly seen in children. It originates from the back of the skull, mostly the cerebellum. Read more.

By Credihealth Admin

over 1 year • 4 min read

Everything You Need to Know About Tumors

Everything You Need to Know About Tumors

Tumors are a group of abnormal cells that grow to form lumps or growths. Depending on the type, different tumors grow & behave differently.

By Credihealth Admin

over 1 year • 6 min read

Understanding Sprains Vs Strains

Understanding Sprains Vs Strains

You need to understand the Sprains Vs Strains. We use Sprains and Strains in an interchanging meaning without realising that these two stand for problems.

By Credihealth Admin

over 1 year • 3 min read

Sienna Ringeisen, CrediHero, Brain Tumour Survivor

Sienna Ringeisen, CrediHero, Brain Tumour Survivor

15 year old, Sienna shares her inspiring brain tumour survivor story.

By Credihealth Admin

over 1 year • 4 min read

Spinal Tumour: Types & Causes

Spinal Tumour: Types & Causes

Spinal tumours are also referred according to the area of the spine in which they occur – cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacrum.

By Credihealth Admin

over 1 year • 4 min read

Uterine Fibroids - Facts You Need to Know Today!

Uterine Fibroids - Facts You Need to Know Today!

By Credihealth Admin

over 1 year • 3 min read

4 Curable Brain Tumours

4 Curable Brain Tumours

Primary tumours that are formed in the brain are typically categorised into benign and malignant (cancerous) brain tumours.

By Credihealth Admin

over 1 year • 3 min read

Mobile Phones Cause Brain Tumor?

Mobile Phones Cause Brain Tumor?

It speculated that radiation coming from the phone may be causing brain tumors in people of all age. Is it true though? Can a phone really cause a brain tumor? Lets find out.

By Ayushmaan Wanchoo

over 1 year • 3 min read

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) for Fibroid Uterus Treatment

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) for Fibroid Uterus Treatment

High intensity focused ultrasound is a non-invasive, extremely precise procedure that uses ultrasound to heat and destroy uterine fibroid.

By Credihealth Admin

over 1 year • 5 min read

Brain Tumor - Frequently Asked Questions

Brain Tumor - Frequently Asked Questions

Brain tumour is a mass of abnormal cells in a part of the brain. Brain tumour may be benign tumour (not a cancer) or malignant (cancer).

By Credihealth Admin

over 1 year • 6 min read

Breast Cancer Survivor delivers twins

Breast Cancer Survivor delivers twins

Rosy had been given a choice to make - either treat her breast cancer or continue her pregnancy which could prove to be highly risky.

By Credihealth Admin

over 1 year • 4 min read