
Suffering From Chikungunya? Know What to Eat & Avoid

Here is the perfect chikungunya diet that helps you to recover faster. What to eat in chikungunya and what not to eat in chikungunya, we have it all covered here.

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Those who have suffered from chikungunya in the past will tell you that it is no less than a nightmare. Accompanied by Chikungunya symptoms like fever, rashes, headache and joint pain, it is one of the most fearful viral diseases. While fighting the disease, it is necessary to take proper medication and perform mild exercises to prevent muscles from stiffening. As important as medicines and exercises are, diet also plays a very crucial role. It is vital to keep in mind what food to eat during chikungunya and also what not to eat in chikungunya, as a proper diet is half the battle won.

What to Eat in Chikungunya

There are various pieces of advice from doctors and nutritionists educating people regarding what to eat in chikungunya. Let us list down the food items (solids/liquids) which prove to be beneficial during chikungunya.

1. Leafy Veggies

Green leafy vegetables are the best food that has enormous health benefits. Easy to digest and low in calories, they are a rich source of vitamin A. It protects the body from diseases like cancer and ensures bone growth. They are also loaded with vitamin C which protects your body from arthritis. Thus it is beneficial in relieving chikungunya symptoms like joint pain and combatting the disease.

2. Soups

Freshly made home-made soups are a great relief in Chikungunya. Carrot (vitamin A) or tomato soup (vitamin C) helps one recover from the disease. Broccolis are also a rich source of vitamin C. What better than having tasty soups rich in essential nutrients, that help in recovery. Also, read about: Difference between Chikungunya and Zika Virus.

3. Coconut Water

One of the most important things to keep in mind, while suffering from this disease is to keep hydrated. Consuming coconut water helps to detoxify the body and also keep it hydrated.

4. Foods rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C is best known to boost the body's immunity. When a person is suffering from a disease, the immunity count is low. Hence, the whole logic is to boost the immunity to help the body in fighting the disease effectively. Guavas, bell peppers, tomatoes and peas are some examples of foods rich in vitamin C. Also read about: Chikungunya Treatment & Diagnosis.

5. Herbal Tea

Freshly made hot herbal teas with ingredients like fennel seeds, caraway seeds and cumin seeds are the best remedy to relieve joint pain caused by chikungunya. All you need to do is boil some water with these seeds for a couple of minutes, or till the water remains 3/4th. Sieve and serve. For better taste add honey/jaggery.

What Not to Eat in Chikungunya

While consuming the above foods help in fighting chikungunya, there are some food items that need to be avoided. Let us list down what not to eat when you have chikungunya.

1. Oil & Spices

Chikungunya infection tends to upset the digestive system. Hence, it is better to stick to food that is mild on spices and less on oils.

2. Food from Outside

Eating outside food increases the load o the digestive system. Outside food is loaded with spices to make it tasty. There are chances of stomach infection and can lead to more health issues putting the patient at risk. Also learn: How To Reduce Chikungunya Joint Pain.

3. Non-veg meals

Doctors always advise chikungunya patients to go easy on non-vegetarian food items. As they increase the load on the liver. Hence, including plenty of vegetables and fruits in the diet is a good idea. It is better to keep in mind what not to eat in chikungunya, as consumption of those food items may do more harm than good. Better to be safe than sorry. If you know anyone who is suffering from the disease, then this article is surely going to be of great help!
Tagged in Cancer, Diet, Zika