
Diabetes with Aortic Stenosis - A deadly Combination

It is difficult to pin point the exact cause of Aortic Stenosis but some factors like high blood pressure and diabetes have great influence.

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The number of heart-related ailments has increased over the years. Aortic Stenosis is one of the ailments which is becoming common these days. During this condition, there is a contraction in the passage of aortic valve. Calcium deposits obstruct the smooth flow of blood from the heart. This puts unnecessary stress on the heart. It is difficult to pin-point the exact cause of this condition, but some factors like smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hereditary transmission, diabetes etc have known to be great influencers. Out of these, many recent research findings have supported the theory that diabetes patients are more prone to severe aortic stenosis. Let us discuss this in detail in following sections.

Relation between the Two

In severe aortic stenosis, heart exerts extra pressure to pump blood. This results in the expansion of left side of the heart. This stage is termed as Ventricular Hypertrophy. In extreme cases, adequate blood may not be circulated in the body including the brain. Diabetes can aggravate Ventricular Hypertrophy and also increase chances of a heart failure. There is also chance of high inflammation of heart due to an increased proportion of proteins. In related studies, it has come to light that the people suffering from diabetes are more prone to calcium buildup. Calcium buildup which further damages heart.

Things To Do

If you are diabetic, it is more important to be aware of the early symptoms like troubled breathing, dizzy feeling, faintness, excessive tiredness, heartbeat shoot up, unexpected chest pain. It becomes absolutely necessary, not to ignore these indications as a deteriorated Aortic Stenosis can result in irreparable damage to the body.


As a precautionary measure, diabetic patients could do the following - keeping the sugar levels under control, maintaining weight, giving up smoking, minimising alcohol intake, exercising regularly, keeping cholesterol in the permissible range, monitoring blood pressure periodically and adopting a healthy diet plan. In some cases, certain medicines are prescribed to keep the sugar levels within a specified range and to enhance the flow of blood to all the parts of a body. All of above provides interim relief from this major syndrome. In the long run, Valvuloplasty and Open heart surgery help fight this deadly ailment, if worsened. It is clear how diabetes can worsen the already existing Aortic Stenosis in a body. Hence, it is advisable to consult a doctor, even in the case of the minutest doubt. Clear your doubts about Aortic Stenosis:Q&A session.