
Are you eligible to donate blood?

Who is a healthy donor? Who cannot donate blood? Read here.

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Every one should believe in donating blood at-least once a year. Building a habit in your family to regularly give blood is a beautiful act. Donate blood, save lives.

Who is a Donor?

  1. A healthy, fit donor who is not suffering from any transmittable diseases
  2. Between 18 to 60 years age, having a minimum weight of 45 to 50Kg
  3. Haemoglobin level should be 12.5% (minimum)
  4. It is possible to donate blood again in 3 months' time
  5. Donor's pulse rate should be between 50 - 100mm without any irregularities
  6. BP diastolic and systolic range should be normal
  7. Donor's body temperature should be normal

Non-eligibilities are as follows:

  1. A person suffering from cardiac arrest, hypertension, kidney alignments, epilepsy or diabetics cannot donate blood
  2. Ladies who have suffered a bad miscarriage should avoid donating blood for at least the next 6 months
  3. If a person has recently been treated for malaria he should not donate blood
  4. If donor has undergone any immunisation within the past one-two months
  5. If you have suffered from blood cancer or under gone blood cancer treatment or any other types of cancer.
  6. If donor has consumed alcohol within the last 24 hours it is advisable not to donate blood
  7. Wait for one month if the potential donor had recent major dental procedure
  8. And of course, If you are HIV+, you are not fit for blood donation
You can also read about 12 Questions Never Asked Blood DonationCall +91-8010-994-994 and talk to Credi Medical Experts for FREE. Get assistance in choosing the right specialist, compare treatment cost from various hospitals and get support in managing other hospital processes.