
10 Incredible Health Benefits of Figs You Should Be Aware Of.

Figs and their leaves are nutrient-rich and may provide several health advantages. So in this article, we will look into Fig benefits for health.

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Figs are a naturally occurring soluble fiber, sugar, and mineral source. Iron is the one mineral that is crucial for everyone, but especially for growing women. Both fresh and dried figs are a great source of iron. Figs are a rich source of antioxidants like vitamins A & L and nutrients like potassium, magnesium, calcium, and copper that can improve general health and wellness.Figs and their leaves are nutrient-rich and may provide several health advantages. They might help you control your blood sugar levels, encourage good digestion, and lower your heart attack or stroke risk.So in this article, we will look into Fig benefits for health; continue reading to know more.

Nutritional values of figs -

Figs are a nutritious fruit that offer several essential nutrients. Here are the approximate nutritional values of 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of fresh figs:
  • Calories: 74
  • Carbohydrates: 19 grams
  • Fiber: 3 grams
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Fat: 0.3 grams
  • Potassium: 232 milligrams
  • Calcium: 35 milligrams
  • Magnesium: 17 milligrams
  • Phosphorus: 14 milligrams
  • Vitamin C: 2 milligrams
Figs are also a good source of antioxidants, including phenolic compounds and flavonoids, which contribute to their health benefits.

10 Ways Figs Can Improve Your Health -

Figs are a nutritious fruit that offer several essential nutrients. Following are the Health Benefits of Figs:Health Benefits of Figs

1 Figs manage blood pressure:

Figs are rich in potassium which helps to reduce blood pressure.By giving you enough iron, estrogen, and other nutrients, figs can also aid in reducing the symptoms of aging. Figs regulate your hormones and give you more energy. Figs are beneficial for your skin, hair, and nails. Acne can be avoided by applying mashed figs to the face.In a single study, rats with both normal and high blood pressure had a reduction in BP due to fig extract. Further research on humans is required to comprehend how figs and heart disease are connected.

2 Figs lower the risk of cancer: 

The figs are abundant in antioxidants which assist in reducing chronic disease also free radical production. Cancer, heart attack, stroke, and diabetes are all chronic inflammatory diseases brought on by free radicals. Therefore, figs are thought to help prevent these long-term health issues.Fig leaves and the natural latex produced by fig trees have been demonstrated to have antitumor action against human cancers of the colon, cancer of the breast, cancer of the cervical cavity, and liver cancer; nevertheless, human studies are required to determine how consumption of figs or the leaves of figs impacts the development of cancer.

3 Figs promote healthy bones: 

Figs are an excellent natural supply of calcium, which is the essential component needed for strong bones. Figs can be a useful secondary supplement because dairy items are a healthy supply but insufficient.The daily need for calcium in an adult is approximately 1000 mg. Since the body cannot create calcium, our diet is the only source that meets the body's needs. Despite drinking dairy products, which are the best source of calcium, we frequently need to meet the established requirements. As a result, it's critical to include other calcium-rich foods in our diet, such as figs.

4 Figs shield the kidneys against stones: 

You can prevent kidney stones by boiling some figs in water, then drinking the resulting water for a few days. You can speak with a dietitian or nutritionist about your unique issues.Diet and food like figs you eat are very important in preventing the buildup of yet another stone.

5 Figs help the digestive system:

One of the most common Fig benefits for health includes improved gut health. For years, people have used figs as a natural therapy or alternative medicine for digestive issues like constipation.They include fiber, which may aid in promoting digestive health by reducing constipation, softening and adding volume to stools, and acting as a prebiotic, or The source of food for the beneficial bacteria in your stomach.In a study of 150 individuals with IBS-C, those who consumed roughly 4 dried figs (45 grams) twice daily saw a substantial decrease in symptoms, such as pain, bloating, and constipation, compared to a control group.

6 Figs to Improve Fertility:

Since the beginning of recorded history, figs have been associated with love and fertility in ancient Greece. Because of the high iron level, this was later investigated and determined to be correct. When it comes to female ovulation, iron is crucial to the entire process. Low iron can decrease the quality and motility of sperm in males. To support reproductive health, it is still very frequently consumed with milk.As a result of its abundance of minerals, including zinc, manganese, magnesium, and iron, reproductive health is improved. Figs are frequently recommended to young girls as a home cure for PMS problems. Additionally, studies have shown that dried figs can help prevent hormonal imbalances and post-menopausal breast cancer because they are a rich source of antioxidants and fiber.

7 Controls Blood Sugar 

The high level of potassium in figs aids in controlling blood sugar levels in the body, hence limiting the quantity of sugar absorbed after meals. Therefore, it is said that a rich potassium diet can benefit diabetics. Additionally, research has discovered that the chlorogenic acid found in figs lowers sugar levels in the blood and controls blood glucose levels in those with type II diabetes.Furthermore, an earlier investigation discovered that drinks with high fig fruit extract concentrations had lower glycemic indexes (GI) than drinks without fig fruit extract, indicating that these drinks would be better for blood sugar levels. Thus, Fig benefits for health also include Controls of Blood Sugar levels.

8 Helps to weight loss:

Particularly for weight watchers, fiber-rich is a great mid-morning snack. A delicious and nourishing snack is dried fig. You may maintain longer intervals between your meals by eating two or three dried figs, which can keep you feeling satiated for longer.High-fiber foods are beneficial and may help with weight management. The regular food that we consume must include fiber. Fibre provides numerous health benefits, including improving digestion and lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes and cancer. You may incorporate foods with high fiber content into your weight-loss techniques because they make one's emotions full and satisfied for a long time. 

9 Figs promote healthy skin:

Figs might be good for your skin, especially if you have allergic dermatitis, which is dry, itchy skin brought on by allergies.A cream produced from dried figs fruit juice and administered twice daily for two weeks was shown in one research on 45 kids with dermatitis to be more successful at curing the condition's symptoms than hydrocortisone lotion, the conventional treatment.It's challenging to say if the fig extraction or another extract under study is to blame for these advantageous results. Finding out how figs affect skin health will require more investigation.

10 Figs benefits for hair:

Lack of sufficient nutrition is frequently the cause of hair loss. Figs have nutrients that are good for hair, like magnesium, the antioxidant vitamin C, and the antioxidant vitamin E, which encourage hair growth. This fruit's important components increase the scalp's blood flow to hasten hair development.Fig extracts are utilized to make wonderful hair conditioners, which is why they are so well-liked in the follicle care sector. These ingredients moisturize the scalp and aid in hair detangling. They moisturize the hair without adding bulk or weight.

Conclusion - 

Fig benefits for health are numerous, as this delicious fruit is packed with essential nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants that support digestion, boost immunity, and promote overall well-being.However, due to the high vitamin K level of figs and the fact that dried figs have a high sugar content, blood-thinning drugs may not work well when figs are consumed.Despite this, figs in their various forms, fresh, dried, or in tea, contribute to a balanced diet.