
Get Moving: 6 Exercises To Help You Relieve Stress

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Have you been experiencing intense stress recently? If you want to relieve yourself of this, try exercising! We all know that exercise does wonders for your body. It can make you healthy and improve cardiovascular levels, but it can also pump endorphins into your body, reduce stress, and improve your mood. 

Exercising has numerous benefits that will surely help you lessen stress. Continue reading for a set of activities that you can do for stress relief. 


Weightlifting or weight training refers to physical exercises where people lift weights, typically in dumbbells and barbells. In this exercise, you would use free weights to build strength compared to bodyweight exercises that use your body weight to build muscle.

For this exercise, you must register for a gym subscription to enjoy the machines. You don’t have to necessarily lift weights every day since you may experience overtraining syndrome. For most people, a good number is two to three times a week, and they focus on other muscles on the remaining days. 

Building muscle allows you to change your emotional state, build confidence, lessen stress, and improve heart health. More than this, your metabolism is also increased, the risk for diabetes is reduced, and your strength and stamina are improved.

Weightlifters often had to take supplements and vitamins to help boost their muscle growth. Try to visit Buzzrx to find which vitamins and supplements are the best for you, avail yourself of their coupons, and buy your items for a discounted price.


You might think that we walk every day. However, walking as an exercise differs from walking to your bedroom to the fridge. Walking outside for 10 minutes can increase your mental health alertness, positive mood, and energy. Also, you can reduce your stress levels and anxiety and increase your self-esteem. 

Walking is a great exercise where you can just be outdoors and appreciate the nature around you. You can be one with your thoughts and allow yourself to be present while walking, which tends to be the opposite when you’re stuck in your office with all of your stressors. It’s a good idea to step out once in a while. 


Yoga is a type of exercise that allows you to build strength and flexibility in both mind and body. It helps manage pain and reduce stress. It involves a series of moving and stationary poses combined with deep breathing. 

With this exercise, you can strengthen your body’s natural relaxation response and give a healthy balance as you calmly move to different postures. If you’re interested in trying out yoga, try gentle yoga or yoga for beginners. If you aim to reduce stress, the famous “power yoga” may be too intense for first-timers.


Taichi is another mind-body exercise that involves a series of slow and gentle movements, physical postures, and a meditative state of mind with controlled breathing. Indeed, you can see some similarities between it and yoga since it’s self-paced. The difference is that tai chi’s movements are rooted in martial arts.

The breathing techniques and flowing body movements used in this mind-body exercise are meant to calm the mind and condition the body. So, as you can see, tai chi is an excellent choice for stress relief. 

Try tai chi for a mood boost anywhere and anytime since once you’ve learned the moves, you can do it on your own time, even in your room. It’s a straightforward activity that all ages can incorporate into their lives. 


Like weightlifting, pilates is another form of strength training. However, it won’t look as ordinary as the ones you’re used to. Pilates has a wide range of exercises using just mats or machines. This exercise focuses on improving your muscle tone rather than building muscles. As a result, you can enjoy more excellent stability and endurance. 

Pilates focuses on increased muscle strength and tone in your abdominal muscles, hips, lower bank, and buttocks. Indeed, it focuses on the core muscles of your body, gives a balanced muscular strength, and improves the stabilization of your spine. The exercises may be repetitive, but they ensure the muscles are exerted.

Team Sports

Another excellent exercise for stress relief is team sports. Nothing beats being with friends and relaxing at the same time. Round up your friends and family and host a game of soccer, football, basketball, or any sport you can all enjoy. 

While playing, you can have fun with your loved ones, work up a sweat, and release endorphins. Playing team sports can increase your competitiveness and push you a little harder.

Final Thoughts

Don’t think of it as a to-do list when adding exercise to your everyday routine since you may have difficulty doing it whenever you feel demotivated and overly stressed. What you should do is pick an activity above that you think you would enjoy, whether it's walking or pilates. Regardless of which exercise you choose, you will surely enjoy stress relief.