
How I Cured My Eustachian Tube Dysfunction?

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The prevalence of eustachian tube dysfunction is only about 1% in adults around the globe. However, this condition is more prevalent in children. They tend to develop this disorder faster. 40% of children worldwide developed a transient Eustachian tube blockage last year. This fact suggests that adults are less likely to suffer from this blockage. But "How I can eustachian tube dysfunction be cured of my eustachian tube dysfunction?" Well, various natural methods are effective in curing blocked eustachian tubes.

Natural remedies, such as breathing steam from hot water with apple Cider Vinegar, Mullein, Garlic Oil, Cayenne Gargle, Hydrotherapy, etc., can cure eustachian tube dysfunction. Read on to find out more tips to cure eustachian tube dysfunction. The disorder can affect adult patients if they have undergone tympanoplasty or a middle ear disorder. Chronic blockages are associated with severe pain in eustachian tube blockages. This article helps you learn about the tips how i cured my eustachian tube dysfunction.

What is Eustachian tube blockage?

To cure eustachian tube blockage, we should understand the eustachian tube. It is a small passage connecting the throat to the middle ear. When you sneeze, swallow, or yarn, the eustachian tube opens, keeping the air pressure balanced inside the airways.

This eustachian tube also helps prevent the build-up of oils and internal products on the sides of the ear. When this eustachian tube is blocked, this condition is called eustachian tube dysfunction. That can result in muffled and dull ear sounds and ear pain.

How to check if you have a Eustachian Tube Blockage?

It is vital to check if you have a blocked eustachian tube before checking for the cures of eustachian tubes. There are several ways of finding out if your eustachian pipe is blocked. Eustachian tube blockage can have mild to severe pain in a person or be different for different people. The symptoms of eustachian tube blockage are -

  • plugged feeling in the ears
  • the ears feel filled with water
  • ringing in the ear
  • muffled hearing or partial hearing loss
  • ticking or popping sounds
  • pain and tenderness around the ear
  • a tickling sensation
  • trouble with balance

The length and severity of eustachian tube dysfunction depends on the cause. It can be due to a sudden change in altitude and other reactions like changing pressure. Illnesses or infections caused due to a eustachian disorder last more than two weeks, and the patient should seek guidance in such cases.

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How I cured my Eustachian Tube Dysfunction?

If there is a little clogged eustachian tube, then it might be possible for you to clear it with simple exercises. One such practice is a eustachian tube massage. The following are tips how i cured my eustachian tube dysfunction -

Massages for Eustachian Tube Blockage

  • Massages supply the ear with some pressure. Use your finger to put a bony bump inside your ear lobe, with firm, steady pressure between the ear lobe and jaws. Trace the groove down to your throat with your fingertips. If required, you can stretch the same to the collarbones. Repeat this process three times on each side.
  • Another technique is the Valsalva maneuver, or forced breathing, which is the pinch in the nostrils and can close your mouth and push air out like blowing up a balloon. However, don't blow too forcefully, as it can rupture your eardrum. In addition, higher blood pressure can put patients at risk of stroke and heart attack.
  • Performing a gentle eustachian tube massage inside the mouth can sometimes help alleviate ear pressure and discomfort associated with Eustachian tube dysfunction.

Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Treatment at Home

Eustachian tube blockage usually resolves in two weeks but can persist for more than three weeks. The treatment of the dysfunction depends on the severity and causes of the condition. Herbs and Home remedies for curing Eustachian tube are -

  • Chewing gum
  • Swallowing
  • Yawning
  • Breathing out with your nostrils.
  • Using a saline nasal spray in the nostrils
  • Give babies a pacifier to fix the blockage

Also Read: How to Get Rid of an Earache: 12 Effective Home Remedies

OTC treatment options to cure Eustachian Tube Blockage

Some allergic reactions in the Eustachian tube can cause discomfort, and medicines may be considered in such allergic reactions.

  1. Antihistamines like Benadryl, Zyrtec, and alley off are some over-the-counter medications that can relieve these symptoms and related problems.
  2. In addition, some pain relievers like Tylenol and ibuprofen like Advil can alleviate the pain in the eardrums. Check with your dock if any of these medications affect your body.

Eustachian tube dysfunctions can go away independently, as conservative treatments trigger chronic eustachian tube dysfunctions requiring surgery. Antihistamines and decongestants can help with the blockage in the eustachian tube. If your symptoms last longer than two weeks, call your doctor.

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Why cure Eustachian Tube Blockage?

This eustachian tube keeps the ear healthy. It protects the ear from allergies and cold infections. However, any disease in the Eustachian tube can lead to pain, dizziness, hearing problems, and other health issues. These conditions mandate the treatment of eustachian tube blockage. Moreover, no one likes the sharp, dull noise in their ears all the time. Most often, this dysfunction can go away on its own. However, if it lasts more than two weeks, they get help from healthcare.

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Standard warning to curing Eustachian Tube Blockage

  • Curing a eustachian tube can cause complications like an ear infection or middle ear atelectasis that can result in the retraction of the eardrum. 
  • Chronic colitis media is a persistent fluid in the ear and can become more prominent after the treatment.
  • Cholesteatoma is an abnormal skin disorder in the middle ear that can be due to these conditions.
  • There can be a complete hearing loss for the person getting surgery.


Eustachian tube dysfunction or blockage can be cured simply by chewing gum or swallowing and yawning in case the condition is not too severe for the patients; however, in case it is severe, it becomes essential to see your doctor. Certain conditions mentioned above drastically increase your chances of getting surgery in case of this dysfunction.

Usually, it can disappear in a few days or seconds, but if it doesn't, it will be better not to take it lightly and check with your doctor. As we discussed above, How I Cured My Eustachian Tube Dysfunction?

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Frequently Asked Questions

How common is eustachian tube dysfunctioning?

This condition can affect people of all age groups, and about 1% of the adult population can be diagnosed with this condition.

Is Eustachian tube dysfunction rare?

No, this condition is prevalent and can be a leading cause of ear infections.

Eustachian tube disorders are common in adults?

This dysfunction is found in the present in 4.6% of US Adults and can be more inclusive than other ear conditions.

Does ETD last forever?

Eustachian tube blockage goes away on its own, but many forcing conditions, like yawning and chewing gum, can help eliminate blocked air in the tubes.

Can eustachian tube dysfunction be cured?

Eustachian tube dysfunction can often be managed and improved with various treatments, but a cure depends on the underlying cause.

How i cured my eustachian tube dysfunction naturally?

Home treatments like chewing gum, swallowing, yawning, saline spray, and massage help to relieve the discomfort.