
How I Knew I Had Pancreatic Cancer?

Pancreatic cancer or tumors are difficult to examine as they are buried deep inside the abdomen in a packed manner. Read "How I knew I had pancreatic cancer?"

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Pancreatic cancer can be challenging to diagnose because the initial symptoms of the disease are often not known or difficult for individuals to see. However, the signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer diseases are essential information that people should note. Doctors can find these signs and symptoms as they can feel a tumor in the routine examinations, but a generalized question arises "How I knew I had pancreatic cancer?" Pancreatic cancer or tumors are difficult to examine as they are buried deep inside the abdomen, covered with different organs in a packed manner. For example, the stomach, intestine, and liver usually cover the pancreas, making it challenging to find the tumor. Since it is difficult to diagnose the tumor in the pancreas, it is also possible for pancreatic cancer to develop in other nearby organs. Furthermore, This blog will cover some of pancreatic cancer's main signs and symptoms. So that you can find out if you have one.

How I Knew I had Pancreatic Cancer: Early signs and symptoms

How I knew I had pancreatic cancerWhile diagnosing pancreatic cancer in an individual is complex, some joint conditions can help find the signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer.
  1. Jaundice is one of the first signs that can be seen when a person has pancreatic cancer. It can be seen in their yellow eyes and nails. That is due to the excess production of bilirubin. Bilirubin is the protein that is present in the bile, which is produced by the pancreas. Excess can be an early sign of pancreatic cancer.
  2. An early sign can also be excess weight loss. If you are having excess weight loss with yellowing of skin, eyes, and nails, it can be an indicator of pancreatic cancer.

Other signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer-

  • itchy skin
  • digestive problems
  • pain in the stomach
  • blood clots
  • Diabetics
  • Fatigue
  • fever and chills
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Significant signs and symptoms can indicate if you have pancreatic cancer.

1. Jaundice -

Jaundice is a condition wherein the skin and the eyes start turning yellow. There can be other signs like itchy dark urine or light-colored, greasy stools. Though it can also mean hepatitis or gallbladder stone, it should not directly indicate that a person has cancer.Only blood tests and ultrasounds can indicate if jaundice is an indicator of pancreatic cancer.

2. Abdominal or back pain -

Abdominal pain can be one of the common symptoms of pancreatic cancer, as the tumor in the pancreas can cause pain in the abdomen. As cancer grows, it can also cause pain and discomfort for the nearby organs.Pancreatic cancer can also cause back pain and spread to the nerves surrounding the pancreas. Though they are significant signs that can predict pancreatic cancer, one should also check with their doctor to confirm the cause, as stomach and back pains are joint in several conditions.Also Check: Chronic Abdominal Pain - A Cause Much More Than Digestion Issues

3. Nausea or vomiting

As the tumor progresses in the pancreas and toward the stomach, it can partially block the food pathway, resulting in nausea and vomiting. So there can be many reasons for having nausea, vomiting, or pain while eating or after eating.Also Read: Can Constipation Cause Nausea?

4. Swelling in the liver and gallbladder

When the tumor blocks the bile or the ducts in the pancreas, the pancreas can be filled with an excess of bile and can be grown to cause swelling and a significant bump in the rib cage. These tumors can be viewed by a CT or MRI scan.Read about Obesity and Cancer - Are they related?Also, you can read Colorectal Polyps and Colon Cancer: What's the link?

Conclusion -

Though many symptoms can suggest that one has pancreatic cancer, it is not advised to jump to a conclusion before getting a checkup from the doctor. Since pancreatic cancer can be a little difficult to detect, it will be best to get blood tests and ultrasounds to confirm if you have pancreatic cancer. Some signs of pancreatic cancer can be ubiquitous, like stomach or back pain, itching, nausea, and vomiting. It is essential to check with the doctor if you have these signs of pancreatic cancer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the first indicators of pancreatic cancer?

The very first indicator of pancreatic cancer is the yellowing of skin and eyes, or in simple words, you can have jaundice. Therefore, you must check with your doctors immediately if you can see differences in skin tone and eye color.

Can one experience pain in the case of pancreatic cancer?

Yes, one can experience pain and discomfort in the belly or the back. That usually can be experienced when the pancreas grows and protrudes to the other abdomen organs.

Can one screen pancreatic cancer with ultrasounds?

Ultrasound can detect pancreatic cancer tumors with a success rate of 90%. Therefore, they are one of the best options for seeing pancreatic tumors.

Can one detect pancreatic cancer from a blood test?

Yes, blood tests can detect pancreatic cancer with elevated levels of certain substances that the doctors will be able to explain to the patients. However, they will not be reflected in the early test until pancreatic cancer has advanced.