
How Long Does Shrooms Last? The Ultimate Guide

This article will review shrooms and how they work in the system. Also, we will discuss how long their effects last and how long they take to show their effects. Additionally, we will give insights about how long they stay in your system along with the factors affecting their stay. You will also learn about the potential effects of the shrooms and some treatment options for their addiction.

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Shrooms also called "psilocybin mushrooms or magic mushrooms” are a kind of fungi, containing psychoactive compounds. These potent compounds deliver a good amount of psychedelic effects like altered perception, hallucinations, and mood changes, making them popular for spiritual, medicinal, and recreational use. However, the misuse and overdose of shrooms can produce several negative side effects on health. So, if you have recently consumed shrooms or have developed an addiction, you would be looking for "How Long Does Shrooms Last?" Well, shrooms, in general, remain in the body for nearly 24 hours or above. This duration can vary based on certain factors like age, the body's metabolism, dosage of mushrooms, method of consumption, and many more. If you want to thoroughly know about the shrooms and their stay in the system, this article will guide you. Here, look at what shrooms are and how they work, how long their effects last and how long they take to show their effects, how long they stay in your body, and much more information regarding their potential side effects and addiction treatment. Let's start!

Glance At The Topic:

  • Psilocybin and psilocin in shrooms are responsible for changing the perception, pattern of thinking, and mood of a person.
  • The effects of the shrooms stay for 3 to 6 hours after consumption.
  • Those effects typically begin within 20 to 40 minutes following the ingestion.
  • Shrooms can last in your system for a prolonged period: in urine for up to 24 hours; in blood for up to 12 hours, in saliva for 1-2 days, and hair for up to 90 days.
  • However, certain factors can affect these detection times such as dosage, age, metabolism, method of consumption, etc.
  • With some magical effects, shrooms also come with potential side effects such as nausea, vomiting, fast breathing, fear, anxiety, etc.
  • Some treatment options like medical intervention, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and social therapy can be helpful in shroom addiction treatment.

Understanding Shrooms and How They Work

Shrooms, often referred to as magic mushrooms or psychedelic mushrooms are fungi that consist of psychoactive compounds such as psilocybin and psilocin. These compounds when ingested in the body are responsible for changing the perception, pattern of thinking, and mood. Typically, shrooms are eaten fresh, dried, or prepared into tea. Due to their hallucinogenic effects, it is mainly used in spiritual practices (connecting people to the divine and nature and simplifying spiritual experiences) and also for therapeutic purposes (in the treatment of depression, anxiety, or PTSD). Even though shroom contributes to recreational use (altering perception, stimulating visual hallucinations, improving sensory experiences, and encouraging euphoria), their consumption is illegal in the United States. As per a report, they are categorized as "Schedule I drugs" in the U.S. which means shrooms are illegal, pose certain health risks and potential abuse and addiction, and have no safe and accepted medical use in any treatment.

How they work

Psilocybin and Psilocin, the psychoactive compounds found in mushrooms work on the brain, inducing their effects. After consumption, psilocybin gets converted to psilocin which thereafter binds with the brain's serotonin receptors, particularly the 5-HT2A receptors. This, in turn, changes the transmission of signals between nerves which leads to altered perception, emotions, consciousness, mood, etc. The common effects of shrooms may include:

  • Auditory and visual hallucinations
  • Change in perception of time and physical environment
  • High mood and euphoria
  • Emotional experiences
  • Increases imagination and creativity
  • Differences in patterns of thinking and opinions
  • Spiritual experiences

How Long Does a Shroom Trip Last?

Looking for “How long does shroom high last?” Shrooms’ active ingredients can be present in the body for hours which contributes to the hallucinating effects on the mind and body of a person. As per the study, the hallucination effects of those ingredients stay for 3 to 6 hours after consumption. However, this duration can vary from one individual to another depending on certain factors. Those may include:

  • age
  • metabolism
  • weight
  • dose
  • strength
  • types of shrooms and the amount consumed by a person
  • way of consumption, for instance, dried, fresh, or in tea
  • tolerance levels of a person
  • the person's state of mind
  • preexisting mental health issues
  • additional drugs a person is taking at the same time

Note: Some individuals may be highly sensitive to shrooms and experience increased hallucinating effects after the first intake. So, if this is the case and it affects your health, always consult the doctors.

How Long Do Shrooms Take to Show Its Effects?

After the consumption, shrooms take some time to start showing their effects on the body. According to research, the hallucinogenic effects of these potent mushrooms begin within 20 to 40 minutes following the ingestion. However, some individuals may feel the effects of shrooms in around 1 hour. The effects of shrooms usually occur slowly. An individual might experience small changes in their feeling, senses, or emotions which then eventually progress to strong auditory or sensory hallucinations. However, these effects gradually subside as the kidney filters the active ingredients of shrooms- psilocybin from the blood. But, do you know that psilocybin can still be detected in your body? Are you wondering, "How long do shrooms last in your system"? Let’s read the section below!

How Long Do Shrooms Last in Your System?

Looking for, “How long does shrooms last”? The duration of shrooms in your system may vary based on certain factors such as dosage, the body's metabolism, age, etc. Though their effects last for around 3-6 hours after consumption, the presence of psilocybin in your body can be detectable for a prolonged period. Specialized drug tests can help detect their presence in your system that are listed below:

Test Type Detection Window
Urine Test Up to 24 hours
Blood Test Up to 12 hours
Saliva Test 1 to 2 days
Hair Test Up To 90 days


This table gives the detection window of certain drug tests to detect shrooms, although some specific factors like dosage, the body's metabolism, method of consumption, etc. can impact these times. Let's discuss them in the next section!

What are the Factors Affecting Detection Times of Shrooms?

Certain factors can impact "how long do shrooms last in your system" and those may include:

  • Dosage: A large amount of shrooms needs a longer time to leave the system, which means a person will experience a more extended detection window in a drug test.
  • Time: The time between the consumption and drug tests can contribute to the detection of shrooms. The sooner the test is conducted following the intake of shrooms, the higher the possibility of their detection in your system.
  • Species: Each species of shrooms consists of different levels of psilocybin. So, the higher the amount of psilocybin, the longer they will be detectable in the drug testing.
  • Method of consumption: People may use shrooms as fresh or dried, eat separately or with food, or drink as tea. The consumption method can affect their potency and elimination rate from your system.
  • Metabolism: The more the age of an individual, the longer the detection window of shrooms in the test. This is because, with age, metabolism, kidney, and liver function also ages which delays the psilocybin elimination from the body.
  • Use of other substances: Consuming shrooms with additional substances can impact the metabolism of psilocybin in your body as the other substances can affect the breakdown of shrooms. This, in turn, can change the detection window of the shrooms in drug tests.

What are the Potential Side Effects of Shrooms?

Consuming shrooms provides both physical and psychological effects. Most individuals have positive experiences, however, it is very crucial to know about some potential side effects as well. Those may include:

Physical Side Effects of Shrooms

These are the common physical shroom side effects:

  • Nausea
  • vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Fast breathing
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Increased heart rate
  • Raised body temperature
  • Facial flushing
  • Dilated pupils
  • Tremors

Usually, these side effects stay for a temporary period and decrease when shroom hallucinating effects wear off.

Psychological Side Effects of Shrooms:

The following are the possible psychological side effects of shrooms which may differ from one person to another:

  • Altered mood and euphoria
  • Auditory hallucinations
  • Visual hallucinations
  • Change in perception of time and environment
  • Changes in opinions and thoughts
  • Self-observation
  • Anxiety and paranoia
  • Fear

Note: If you are living with any mental health issues or easily have panic attacks or anxiety, take shrooms with caution. Shrooms can worsen the symptoms of certain mental health problems. Moreover, avoid drinking alcohol with mushrooms as it can boost the psilocybin effects, increasing the chances of dehydration, impaired judgment, and nausea.

What are the Treatments for Shroom Addiction?

If you are addicted to shrooms and are worried about the possibility of the detection of its active ingredient “psilocybin” in drug testing, then, you can consider certain treatments. Shrooms do not cause physical addiction, however, in some cases, especially in preexisting mental health issues or other substance use, they can lead to psychological addiction. So, certain personalized treatments can help get rid of such addiction. Those may include:

  • Medical interventions: The detox method is one of the first approaches for shroom addiction treatment. Specialists help reduce and quit the use of shrooms under medical supervision. During the detox process, medication is prescribed to control withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, and depression.
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy: This type of therapy is most beneficial and assists in understanding the triggers that cause addiction and also helps avoid them.
  • Social therapy: Support groups can give supportive space for people who are looking for recovery from shroom addiction. Individuals can discuss the challenging part of their recovery process and get support.

Summing Up

We hope you get the answer to your question, "How long does shrooms last?". Shrooms can be detectable in the body within 24 hours and the timing can vary based on certain factors like age, metabolism, dosage of shrooms, etc. Though shrooms can provide a magical experience, consuming them with caution and proper knowledge is important. Overuse of these types of mushrooms can lead to some potential side effects on physical and psychological health, hence, you need to consume it with some safety. If you have any concerns regarding the use of shrooms, always seek professional help.



  • Euphoria: a feeling of immense happiness that may be due to the side effects of some drugs or substances.
  • Schedule I drugs: These are the drugs that come with no acceptance for medical use and high risks of abuse (drug abuse means using drugs for purposes other than they are meant for or in excess amount.)
  • Facial flushing: the blood vessels under the skin surface reload much more blood than usual.
  • Dilated pupils: pupils widen naturally in dark spaces which happens in response to certain drugs or substances.
  • Tremors: rhythmic shaking of the arms, face, head, hands, vocal cords, or legs.
  • Paranoia: a mental health issue in which a person feels others are lying, dishonest, or trying to harm them even when there is no evidence.
  • Auditory hallucinations: when an individual hears noises or voices that are not there.
  • Sensory hallucinations: when an individual can smell or touch things that do not exist.


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Frequently Asked Questions

How long do psilocybin mushrooms last?

Psilocybin mushrooms can last for up to 24 hours or above in your system. However, the duration can vary based on age, metabolism, potency, dosage of mushrooms, etc.

How long do the effects of shrooms last?

The effects of shrooms can last for about 3-6 hours after consumption.

How long does a gram of shrooms last?

A gram of shrooms can last for 3-6 hours and the person might experience a change in thinking patterns and visual hallucinations.

How long do psychedelic mushrooms last?

Shrooms also called psychedelic mushrooms can last for 24 hours. The duration can vary depending on the age, metabolism, method of consumption, dosage, etc.

Can shrooms be addictive like other drugs?

In general, shrooms are not addictive like other drugs such as alcohol or opioids. However, some individuals crave to consume them repeatedly because of how the shrooms affect their brains.

How long does microdosing shrooms last?

Microdosing means consuming a small amount of shrooms which usually lasts for a short period as compared to macrodosing which shows its effects for 6 hours or more.

How long do magic mushrooms last?

Magic mushrooms last for around 24 hours in your system. However, certain factors such as dosage, age, metabolism, method of consumption, etc., can vary its stay in the body.