
How long does Stye last?

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A How long does a Stye last is called hordeolum, a short-term bacterial infection affecting the eyelids' edge. Glands around the edge of the eyelids are clogged or swollen until a sore-like pimple or boil. It can also happen due to the blockage of follicles in the eyelash. People usually ask " How long does style last?" and the answer is a stye usually lasts for 1-2 weeks maximum. It is better to get help from your doctor if your stye lasts longer. 

What is a Stye?

how long do styes last

How long does Stye last a red, painful lump near the eye of the eyelid? It looks like a boil or a red pus-filled pimple. A style is often on the eyelid, but it can also be present on the inner part of the eye. Often, a stye disappears on its own in a few days. In others, it can take about weeks. The pain and discomfort caused due to a stye can be relieved by applying a warm cloth to the eyelid.

What causes a Stye? 

There can be an eye infection caused due to improper care, or the use of contact lenses can increase the chances of having an eye infection leading to the formation of a stye. Staphylococcus aureus bacteria cause many styes. This bacteria is found on the surface of human skin and inside the nose. This bacteria invade and blocks the hair follicle and trigger an immune response resulting in an inflamed eyelid. It eventually becomes a red pus-filled nodule that pains on touching. Read this blog: 15 Troublesome Common Eye Diseases

Risk factors that can develop a stye include: 

  • Poor contact lens hygiene
  • Sleeping in contact lenses
  • Rubbing your eyes without washing your hands first 
  • Excessive exposure to chlorine
  • Wearing lash extensions
  • Wearing old or contaminated eye makeup 
  • Not washing your face enough 
  • Having recurrent eye styes or other eye problems 

Health conditions that can make people develop styes are:

They include:

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How long does Stye last?

Many styes can last from a few days to two weeks before healing. After that, patients can experience pain, swelling, and discomfort in treating the inflammation caused by the stye. If the stye remains for more than two weeks, it is called a chalazion. It develops slowly and lasts longer than two weeks. They are localized and do not spread to the other parts of the eye. Sometimes stye can interfere with the vision if it is developed more than usual.

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Will a stye go away on its own?

Styes can go away independently in a few days or within two weeks. Many home treatments, like a warm compress, can also help drain the eye in a day. However, it is better not to attempt popping or to squeeze the stye as this can spread infection in the other parts of the eye or face and further the infection. If there is no impact on the look after the warm compress or the stye does not go away, then you should make an appointment with our eye doctor.

What are the treatment options for a stye?

  1. Never squeeze a stye, as this can spread the infection to the rest of the eye.
  2. Oral antibiotics can be used to prevent the attack of antibiotics on the eye.
  3. A warm compress is a home remedy that can effectively reduce the eye. One can make a warm compress by soaking a washcloth or cotton ball in the water. Make sure it is warm and you can tolerate it without burning your skin.
  4. Use any eyelid cleanser.

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Benefits of using a warm compress

  • It helps in liquefying the material or pus-filled infection in the stye. This will help in draining the inflammation.
  • Try to draw the pus out of the external stye to the surface. Try to move it out of the style head before bursting.
  • It is best to unclog the gland and drain the route of the pus and debris, mainly in the internal stye.

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Summary -

A Stye is a red pus-filled pimple swelling caused due to bacterial infection on the eyelid or the eye. A stye can last for one-two day or two weeks, depending upon the severity of the disease. This can be spread to the other parts of the body or the face as well. There can be simple treatment options like applying a warm compress on the stye or taking an antibiotic to deal with the symptoms of pain and discomfort caused by the stye at home. Hope you have understood " How long does stye last?".

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a stye last without treatment?

Even after treatment, it can take a few days for the stye to clear up, but in many cases, it will take 2-4 days to clear the stye.

Is stye contagious?

Styes are not contagious. But there can be a spread of the bacteria in the stye. You must wash your hands regularly after touching the eye and wash the pillow cases often to prevent any bacterial infection from spreading.

Why is my stye not going away?

Stye can come back even after treatments. If your stye is not going away, it can be due to blepharitis. If your stye is not going away, talk to your doctor, as it can get worse without treatment.

How can I get rid of stye overnight?

Applying a warm compress is the quickest, safest, and most effective way to eliminate a stye. It is best to apply a warm cloth or a cotton ball after putting it in warm water. Make sure it should not burn the eye and put it gently on the stye.

Will a stye go away on its own?

Most styes resolve on their own, but applying warm compresses and maintaining good eye hygiene can help speed up the healing process.

Categorized into General Health, Eye Care