
How much naproxen is safe?

If you're wondering how much naproxen is safe to take, this blog has the answers. Discover the recommended dosages & precautions to keep in mind. Read more!

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At your neighborhood pharmacy, you can purchase naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn), a common painkiller. Many over-the-counter (OTC) products contain it to help lessen pain, inflammation (swelling), and common cold symptoms. Also available with a prescription is naproxen. It is occasionally necessary to use this stronger formulation to treat various forms of arthritis, gout, and menstrual pain. Generally, people inquire about How much naproxen is safe? What dosage is enough? Since so many products on the market contain naproxen, it is possible to unintentionally take more than the advised dosage. Let's examine some side effects and symptoms that may occur after taking high doses of naproxen, along with the steps you should take if they do.

What is naproxen?

How much naproxen is safe? Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like naproxen treat minor to moderate pain and inflammation. Additionally, it can momentarily lower a fever. Ibuprofen and naproxen belong to the same family of medicines (Advil, Motrin). Ibuprofen may be required 4 to 6 times per day, whereas naproxen is only required to take 2 or 3 times per day. Both brand-name and generic naproxen are offered over the counter. A 220 mg tablet is the form it takes. You can get stronger doses and a liquid variation with a prescription from your doctor or another medical professional.

What does naproxen do to the body?

The body produces natural compounds called prostaglandins when a wound or infection occurs. Pain, swelling, and redness are the classic symptoms of inflammation brought on by these prostaglandins. Another effect of prostaglandins is fever. By blocking prostaglandins, naproxen helps to reduce pain, inflammation, and fever.

Can we take too much naproxen?

Yes. Every year, cases of naproxen overdose occur. When anyone takes too much by accident, it happens frequently. Even though naproxen is a common ingredient in OTC medications, such as cough and cold remedies, this is simple. Naproxen taken in large doses can have negative side effects.

When and how to take naproxen?

Your naproxen dosage will vary depending on the condition you are treating, how old you are, how your liver and kidneys function, and how well it relieves your symptoms. The usual dose to treat:
  1. Joint conditions require 500 mg to 1,000 mg per day in 1 or 2 doses, bone and muscle disorders require 500 mg at first, then mg once each 6 to 8 hours as needed, and painful periods require 500 mg.
  2. Gout attacks are treated with 750 mg, followed by 250 mg every 8 hours till the attack passes.
  3. Dosages are typically lower for older individuals and those with heart, liver, or kidney issues.
  4. The appropriate dose for children will be determined by the doctor using your child's weight.
  5. Please don't take more than three naproxen tablets daily unless you've been prescribed it for painful periods.
Also Read: How to Cure High Uric Acid Permanently or Gout Naturally?

What signs indicate a naproxen overdose?

The majority of naproxen toxicity cases are minor. However, symptoms and side effects can occasionally be very bad. A mild overdose of naproxen may cause the following symptoms: Symptoms of a more serious overdose include: Book an online appointment with the Best Drowsiness Doctors in India.

How much Naproxen is safe?

Similar to any other medication, always carefully read the label. It's crucial to comprehend the directions and know how to take the medication correctly. If you're unsure of the amount of naproxen that is safe to take, ask your doctor or pharmacist. Depending on an individual's age and other medical conditions, there are different safe naproxen doses. We'll go over some fundamental dosing recommendations for a few scenarios below.
  • Safe dose for adults

The recommended dosage of OTC naproxen for adults is 220 mg (1 tablet) every 8 to 12 hours as needed. Limit your daily dosage to 660 mg (3 tablets). Only use over-the-counter naproxen for brief periods. It is best to speak with your healthcare provider if you have been taking it for 10 days to treat pain or 3 days to treat a fever. Some people need to take higher doses of naproxen to treat their condition. Depending on why someone is using prescription-strength naproxen, the dosage will change. Most patients will typically receive a prescription for 250 mg to 550 mg twice daily. 1,375 mg is the maximum daily dose.
  • Safe dose for adolescents and children

Only children 12 and older are advised to use OTC naproxen. Same as for adults, the recommended daily dosage. In this age group, taking over 220 mg (1 tablet) once each 8 to 12 hours is not advised. Furthermore, they should take at most 660 mg (3 tablets) in 24 hours. If your child is younger than 12 years old, ask their healthcare provider about other options.

Does daily use of naproxen entail a risk?

Some people's medical conditions require them to take naproxen every day. However, you must only take this drug daily if your doctor advises. Remember that NSAIDs, which include naproxen, can wear down some body organs over time if you take them regularly. As a result, taking naproxen for an extended period increases the chance of experiencing serious side effects like kidney damage, stomach ulcers, and heart attacks. Additionally, your risk of experiencing serious side effects increases the longer you use it. These severe side effects are uncommon and rarely occur at advised dosages. Without consulting your doctor, don't take OTC naproxen for a fever or more than 10 days to treat pain. Along with medication safety, it's best to visit your doctor if you have a fever for three days or have been in pain for 10 days straight.

Conclusion -

Both a prescription and over-the-counter NSAID is naproxen. People can use it to reduce inflammation-related pain. I trust that your previous confusion about how much naproxen is safe to take has been dispelled. Not everyone can safely use naproxen. People taking particular meds should use naproxen with caution to prevent side effects. NSAID use should be discussed with a doctor by anyone with heart, kidney, stomach, intestinal disease, or both. Additionally If you're wondering how much naproxen is safe to take, this article has the answers. Discover the recommended dosages and precautions to keep in mind.risky for breastfeeding and pregnancy is naproxen. Naproxen is an effective and safe painkiller when used as directed. Note: Beware of drugs during Pregnancy
Categorized into General Health, Medicine
Tagged in Cold, MG, Nausea