
How to Cure Gum Disease Without a Dentist? Effective Strategies Unveiled

Looking for the best tips to cure gum disease without seeing a dentist? Here, our article will help you explore effective & simple home remedies to get rid of gum infection. With this, we will also brief you about what gum disease and its related symptoms and causes are! Moreover, you will get to know some prevention measures and precautions to fight off gum disease.

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Gums are soft and sensitive tissues surrounding the teeth, and pain in the gums can result from infection or injury to the gums. The symptoms of gum infection can include sores, inflammation, redness, and swelling in the gums. If you find any of these symptoms, you may think something is wrong. Well, yes, it can be the beginning of gum disease, also called periodontal disease. With this, you might wonder,  “How to cure gum disease without a dentist?" On catching the gum infection early, home treatment can be an effective and inexpensive way to help. Regularly practicing the right oral hygiene is the first step, however, you can try some home remedies. Read the article to learn about “how to treat gum disease” with home remedies! But, first have a basic understanding of gum diseases and the related symptoms and causes!

Glance At The Topic:

  • Gum disease is one of the common oral conditions that occurs due to the accumulation of plaque in teeth and nearby gums, impacting gum health.

  • Plaque bacteria is the main cause of gum disease and related symptoms include swollen, bleeding, or red gums, loose teeth, sensitive teeth, bad breath, etc. 

  • Home remedies can be the primary treatment if the gum infection is not severe.

  • However, if gum disease worsens and lasts for several days, dental treatment is the only solution.

  • Some preventive measures and precautions can also help cure gum disease and prevent it from coming back. 

Understanding Gum Disease: Symptoms and Causes

Gum disease also called periodontal disease is an oral condition that is very common in most people, affecting gum health. It happens when plaque accumulates on the teeth and nearby gums and gets hard. As a result, it leads to swelling, bleeding, pain, and redness. Bacteria in the plaque cause gum disease and if left untreated, there is a high risk of tooth loss and other oral health problems. 

There are two types of gum diseases: gingivitis and periodontitis

  • Gingivitis: This is a mild form of gum disease that mainly affects your gums, leading to gum inflammation. The symptoms of gingivitis are tenderness, redness, swelling, and bleeding of the gums while brushing or flossing. 

  • Periodontitis: It is the advanced stage of gum disease which occurs when gingivitis is left untreated. The infection spreads under your gum line and leads to the breakdown of connective tissues, bones, or both. 

Symptoms of gum disease:

  • Red, bleeding, or swollen gums

  • Continuous bad breath

  • Loose teeth

  • Sensitive teeth

  • Painful chewing 

  • Receding gums (pulling away of gum tissues from the teeth)

Causes of gum disease: 

  • Poor oral hygiene is the main cause.

  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy, menstruation, etc.

  • Illnesses like diabetes or cancer.

  • Certain medications such as contraceptives or steroids. 

  • Smoking.

  • Stress levels.

  • A family history. 

Did You Know?

  • 47.2% of the adult population in the U.S. aged 30 years and above have periodontal disease which increases with age. 

Gum disease treatment is very crucial for preventing further gum damage and maintaining good oral health. Curious to know "how to cure gum disease without a dentist"? Take a look at the next section. 

How to Cure Gum Disease Without a Dentist?

If you are looking for how to cure gum problems, self-care is the first and most effective way to treat gum issues. So, before learning about some home remedies, you need to make sure you are following good oral hygiene. Poor oral hygiene is the main cause of gum disease. If you don't look after your gums and teeth properly, other home remedies can't show their results in preventing gingivitis and other dental issues. So, brushing and flossing your teeth regularly is the first home remedy that is necessary to maintain great oral health. 

So, if you are struggling with gum disease, brush your teeth two times a day after each meal for about two minutes. In addition, floss once a day to keep the gums healthy. 

Following such practices helps get rid of plaque and bacteria that live on gums and teeth and cause infection. Make sure to use the toothbrush with ultra-soft bristles as they are gentle on the affected mouth areas. You can choose an electric toothbrush to enhance the cleaning process. Also, always replace the old toothbrush with the new one every 3 months. 

What Are the Home Remedies for Gum Disease?

Wondering, “How to get rid of periodontal disease without seeing a doctor?” Here are some home remedies for gum diseases that can help get rid of symptoms of gum infection. However, if any of the symptoms last for a longer time, seek medical help soon. The following are the remedies for periodontal disease treatment at home that you can try: 

1. Clove bud -

Properties: Clove contains oils that have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. It also gives a numbing sensation in the gums, a pain reliever. How to use:

  • Take a bud of clove and place it in the corner of your mouth or the area of the swollen gums.

  • You will find immediate relief from your pain for at least 4-6 hours.

  • Remove the clove bud and replace it with another if the pain persists.

You may add a drop of clove oil on your finger or a cotton earbud and massage around the tooth and gum to enhance the soothing sensation.

2. Salt water gargle -

Properties: Salts are well known for their preservative properties and help keep bacteria at bay. Sea salt is commonly used to rinse the mouth for oral hygiene and provide relief for gum pain and swelling. Epsom salt (Magnesium sulfate) has healing properties that reduce soreness and pain and soothe the skin. How to use:

  1. Make a concentrated salt solution in water, i.e., take two tablespoons of salt and completely dissolve it in hot water.

  2. Gargle with this saltwater 8-10 times for 10-15 seconds or until the swelling reduces.

  3. Repeat twice a day.

A concentrated solution of salt in water drains the fluid from swollen gums and prevents the growth of bacteria. It is a very common and trusted method that immediately relieves gum pain. Know more about the Health Benefits of Himalayan Pink Salt.

3. Coconut oil -

Properties: Coconut oil has a moisturizing effect that soothes the redness and swelling in gums. Its antimicrobial properties promote wound healing. "Oil pulling" is a well-known method of rinsing the mouth with oil. This softens stiff gums and calms inflamed gums. It is commonly used to wash out bacteria between teeth and gums. As per research, oil pulling using coconut oil is effective in preventing gingivitis. How to use:

  • Oil pulling can be done using any brand of coconut oil.

  • Take 2 ml of oil and drizzle it around the gums.

  • Use your finger to gently massage the gum around the teeth and the gums for 2-5 minutes.

  • Do not swallow the oil since it contains the gums' extracted bacteria.

Spit the oil out after the massage. Rinse your mouth with water. This method cleanses out the bacteria causing infection in the gums. This method can be used every alternate day as a preventative measure for good oral health. 

Know more about 10 Tips on How to Stop Bleeding Gums.

4. Tea bag compression -

Properties: Green tea, rose tea, and black tea contain tannins with astringent properties that swiftly contract the paining gums and provide relief from pain. How to use: 

Hot Compress - 

  • Dip a teabag of your choice in hot water.

  • Let the tea leaves soak in hot water. Then, instantly place the soaking tea bag on the inflamed gum.

  • Apply a little pressure as is done in a regular hot compression.

  • Hot water soothes the gums from severe pain.

Cold compress - 

  • Dip a teabag of your choice in ice-cold water.

  • Let the tea leaves soak in the cold water, then instantly place the soaking tea bag on the inflamed gum.

  • Apply a little pressure as is done in a regular hot compression. 

  • Ice-cold water numbs the gum giving temporary relief.

5. Homemade Dental spray -

Properties: Essential oils are antifungal and antibacterial. They help control bad breath and fight any infection that may be causing gum pain. How to use:

  1. Please take a few drops of essential oils such as cinnamon oil, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, or chamomile oil, mix it in 50 ml warm water, and mix well.

  2. Transfer the mixture to a clean spray bottle.

  3. Spray the affected area with the homemade essential oil dental spray every few hours to soothe the gums.

6. Homemade antibiotic paste -

Properties: Turmeric is antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory that prevents the growth of bacteria. Baking soda reduces plaque formation and soothes any burns in the injured gum area. Make an antibiotic paste using these ingredients. How to use:

  1. Take a teaspoon of turmeric.

  2. Add a teaspoon of baking soda and mix the two with a few drops of water to make a creamy paste. The paste must be smooth and not grainy, further hurting the gums.

  3. Apply the paste around the teeth and gums and leave overnight.

Also, Read How to Stop Tooth Pain Fast at Home?

7. Babul tree bark -

Properties: Known as the "Healing tree," every part of the Babul tree (pods, leaves, bark) can be used to improve oral health. It strengthens gums and teeth due to its astringent (contraction of cells) properties. How to use:

  • Chew on a medium-sized stick of bark from the Babul tree for a few minutes.

  • Repeat with a fresh stick once the bark shreds and wears out.

8. Garlic -

Properties: Garlic contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Though garlic may leave traces of smell and spicy taste, it is widely used to treat gum pain. How to use:

  • Boil a few cloves of garlic and smash the garlic to make a paste.

  • Apply the paste to the gum and leave overnight.

  • Garlic can treat an infection that causes swelling in the gums.

9. Aloe vera gel -

Properties: Antioxidants present in aloe vera promote wound healing. Any gum injury can benefit from aloe vera's soothing and cool effect. According to a study, aloe vera has shown similar effects similar to chlorhexidine (an antiseptic to prevent gum disease) in treating gingivitis. You may also check Aloe vera's drink. How to use:

  • Place the aloe gel in the freezer for an hour before use.

  • Then, gently apply the gel with your finger and leave overnight.

  • Cool aloe gel will soothe inflamed gums and reduce swelling.

Also, Read Gum Disease: Signs and Symptoms

10. OTC medications -

Ibuprofen and Diclofenac are OTC pain killer tablets that relieve toothache and gum pain. You can take these tablets every 6 hours until the pain reduces. Do not exceed taking these drugs for more than 5- days. You can take OTC antibiotics such as Amoxicillin to treat an infection in the gums. Several ayurvedic oral gels are available OTC options to treat infected gums and provide instant relief for gum pain.

Cautions to take: These home remedies for gum disease are temporary fixes. You will find relief from the pain, swelling, or inflammation for a few hours after using the remedy. They must be done every few hours or until the pain subsides. If you suffer from gum pain or swelling for a prolonged duration, seek dental advice to discover the underlying cause. Finding the root cause of the issue and fixing it can keep you safe from unwanted gum infections.

How to Prevent Gum Diseases from Recurring?

To prevent gum diseases from coming back, it is advised to consult the licensed dentists at least one time in a year. If you have any health problems that can increase the chances of gum infection, you have to often seek medical care. You can follow the following tips to maintain your oral health and avoid recurring gum disease:

  • Brush your teeth twice daily at least for 2 minutes with fluoride-containing toothpaste. 

  • Regularly floss your teeth one time a day.

  • Rinse your mouth using natural mouthwash 1 or 2 times a day.

  • Go for dental cleaning.

  • Eat a well-balanced meal, consisting of minerals and vitamins which are beneficial for preventing gum diseases and keeping gum healthy.

What are Some Precautions to Consider While Facing Gum Disease? 

Several ayurvedic home remedies that may prove harmful are freely listed on the internet. It is safer to understand, with reasoning, why one treatment remedy is better than the other. Here are a few precautions that must be taken:

  • Do not apply lemon or orange juice on the affected gum area. Juices containing citric acid will irritate the gum and lead to further inflammation of the gum. This will cause more pain to the gums. So, avoid citrus fruits.

  • Do not gargle your mouth with Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). ACV is acidic and will burn and cause itching in the inflamed gums.

  • Avoid crunchy foods such as biscuits, apples, samosas, and chips. You must also avoid eating dry fruits until the gum is healed completely.

  • Avoid teasing the affected gums with your tongue. You should constantly assess the affected site, but leave your gums alone!

The bottom line -

Swollen and inflamed gums are a common manifestation of gum diseases. And because gums are so sensitive, they are easily irritated by simple irritants. Hormonal changes, unhygienic oral habits, smoking, etc. may lead to recurring gum diseases. Eating hard foods can scratch the protective lining of your gums, leading to an infection, swelling, and pain. Maintaining oral hygiene, understanding the sensitivity of your gums, eating healthy and nutritious food, and choosing the right toothpaste/toothbrush are key to maintaining strong and healthy gums free from disease or infection. However, if your gum infection becomes severe and lasts for many days, seeking professional help is a must. Dentists will help provide the best treatment such as antibiotics or surgery, if needed. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to get rid of gingivitis?

You can prevent gingivitis using some home remedies such as oil pulling, mouthwash, salt water rinse, turmeric rinse, etc. If these remedies are not effective, schedule a dental appointment.

How to cure gum infection without a dentist?

Brushing teeth twice daily, flossing daily, using natural mouthwash, oil pulling with coconut oil, etc. Attending dental appointments is the best way to cure gum infections effectively.

How can I cure periodontal disease?

For unadvanced periodontal disease, scaling (removing bacteria and tartar), root planing (smoothing tooth root surface), and antibiotics (preventing bacterial infection). Advanced periodontal needs laser therapy and surgery.

How to get rid of gum infection without antibiotics?

Brush and floss your teeth daily, use mouthwash every day, rinse your mouth after every meal, and avoid sugar-rich foods and drinks. Also, attend dentists often.

Will peroxide help gum disease?

Yes, hydrogen peroxide helps prevent gum disease by eliminating bacteria that cause plaque.

How to cure gingivitis naturally?

Home remedies like saltwater rinse, hydrogen peroxide, oil pulling, brush, floss, aloe vera, etc. can cure gingivitis naturally.

How to get rid of gum disease?

An adequate oral hygiene regimen that includes brushing the teeth 2 times a day and flossing 1 time a day is the primary way to prevent gum disease. If the gum infection is severe, consult the dentist.

How long does gum pain last?

Gum pain can last between 3 and 7 days if treated early. Gums are a sensitive part of the mouth and must be treated with utmost sensitivity to endure faster relief from pain. Several instant remedies are available to treat painful gums.

What is the fastest way to reduce swelling in gums?

Saltwater gargling is the most effective in reducing swelling in aching gums. Repeating the process three times a day reduces swelling altogether in three days.

What causes swelling in gums?

Abscess build-up in the gums is an indication of an infection. Brushing the teeth too hard causes ulcer formation, and eating hard foods may irritate the gums and cause inflammation. Such an environment is favorable for the growth of bacteria, which eventually causes an infection, leading to swelling in the gums.

How to take care of the teeth to prevent gum diseases?

Some ways can be brushing the teeth, flossing, and using mouthwash.

What can kill a gum infection?

A saltwater mouth rinse can help reduce the swelling, kill the bacteria, and help relieve the pain.

Can toothpaste stop gum disease?

Yes, toothpaste can be one of the best weapons against gingivitis and help kill the germs that can cause plaque.

What are the different ways of presenting gum diseases?

The different ways of dealing with gum diseases include brushing regularly, flossing, and chewing gum.

What vitamins are good for gums?

Vitamin C helps keep the teeth tissues in the gums healthy and strong, which can lead to holding the teeth in place.