
10 Easy Tips To Pass An Oral Drug Test

This blog reviews what exactly is an oral drug test and what are some of the tips to pass an oral drug test. We have also listed some substances that undergo such tests. Along with this, we have given some insights into possible factors that can affect the detection period of drugs. Let's go and explore how to pass an oral drug test.

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There can be many reasons why people want to pass an oral drug test. Some people want to keep their jobs, while others want to be able to participate in activities that require a different drug test. Some people also feel that it is a personal accomplishment to be able to pass a drug test. There is no sure way to guarantee passing a saliva drug test result, but following some simple methods can help increase the chances. Here in this blog, we have some suggestions on how to pass an oral drug test. With the help of this blog, you can improve your chances of a successful mouth swab drug test. We will help you explore those methods. Let’s start!

What is an oral drug test?

how to pass a mouth swab drug test

An oral drug test is a quick and easy way to test for the presence of drugs in a person's system. A small sample of saliva is taken from the person being tested, and the sample is then analyzed for the presence of drugs. Moreover, oral drug tests are often used to test for drug presence in people suspected of drug-related offenses.

Such drug-related offenses include:

  • Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

  • Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)

  • Operating Under the Influence (OUI) and

  • Operating a Motor Vehicle Intoxicated (OMVI)

How to Pass an Oral Drug Test?

People ask many times how to pass a mouth swab drug test. Well, for your information, an oral drug test is also called a mouth swab test. There are many ways to pass the mouth swab drug test. The most common way is to use a special mouthwash designed to remove all traces of drug residue from your mouth. There are also special kinds of toothpaste and chewing gum that can remove drug residue. You can also use regular mouthwash if you cannot find one of these products. However, it is important to ensure that you do not swallow the mouthwash, as this can significantly cause you to fail the mouth swab test.

10 Step-By-Step Guide To Pass An Oral Drug Test

Want to know how to beat a swab test? Well, read below the following tips on how to pass an oral drug test:

  1. Avoid drug use for at least 48 hours before the test.

  2. Drink lots of fluids, especially water, in the days leading up to the test.

  3. Eat healthy foods that are high in fiber to help flush drugs from your system.

  4. Exercise regularly on the days before the test.

  5. Urinate frequently in the days leading up to the test.

  6. Try to relax and reduce stress on the days before the test.

  7. Use mouthwash to rinse your mouth. Make sure to not swallow it as this can fail the mouth swab test.

  8. Rinse your mouth with water and brush your teeth before the test.

  9. Spit out any residual water before beginning the test.

  10. To pass an oral drug test, cooperate with test instructions and try not to panic. Also, answer questions truthfully and to the best of your ability.

These steps help in passing a drug out from your saliva days before. You can pass the mouth swab test with other methods as well. So, if you have less time to prepare for the test, you can also use a specific type of mouthwash to clean out the drug residue from your mouth.

What Substances are tested in Oral drug tests?

Many different intoxicating substances are tested via these tests. Both single substance-detection saliva tests, used for alcohol and marijuana swab testing, and multiple substance-detection panels, which can detect multiple drugs, are available.

The test usually includes common drugs of abuse such as:

  • Alcohol

  • Amphetamines

  • Barbiturates

  • Benzodiazepines

  • Cocaine

  • Marijuana

  • Methamphetamine

  • Opioids

  • Opiates

  • Phencyclidine

The Detection Windows of Substances for Mouth Swab Drug Tests

Have a look at the detection window of oral drug tests according to the kind of drug you intake: 


Detection Window

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) 

few hours


2.5 days


2 days

Opioids and Opiates 

12 to 32 hours


12 to 32 hours


5 hours


7 to 28 hours


4 days


52 hours


12 to 24 hours

The Reliable Ways to Pass an Oral Drug Test

The following are some promising ways to get rid of drugs from your mouth:

1. Mouthwash to Pass Mouth Swab Drug Test

Want to know, “how to pass oral swab same day”? Well, frequent use of mouthwashes is very useful when it comes to passing an oral drug test in 12 hours. They can clear the saliva of drugs and their metabolites. They must be used at a specific time before the test takes place. There is a proper way of using mouthwashes.

Here is a stepwise guide for using mouthwash to pass a mouth swab drug test:

  1. Rinse your mouth with water and swish for 30 seconds. Spit the water out.

  2. Then, rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide and swish for 30 seconds. Spit the hydrogen peroxide out.

  3. Now, rinse your mouth with baking soda and water. Swish for 30 seconds and spit the baking soda out.

Repeat steps 4 and 5 mentioned above in 10 step-by-step guides to pass an oral drug test 2 more times if needed. If you are still concerned about failing the test, there are a few other things that you can do. First, ensure you avoid eating or drinking anything for at least 30 minutes before the test takes place. This will ensure that no food or drink in your mouth could interfere with the test.

2. Detox Drinks to Pass an Oral Drug Test

Detox beverages are most typically used for urine drug tests. Its marketing claims it will remove all evidence of drug usage from saliva. In most circumstances, this is not valid; however, if the person drinks it right before the testing, it may temporarily lessen the level of some compounds in the mouth. Moreover, drinking detox drinks can help you pass the mouth swab drug test.

3. Mints, Candies, and Chewing Gums

As per research, chewing gum, mints, and citric acid-containing candies all have been shown to increase salivation. This effect alters the pH and level of specific medications in the saliva. The concentration of drugs in the participant's system may decrease to a point below the detection threshold. This depends on the amount of drugs present in the body. Moreover, it is generally important to mention that these gums and mints have temporary effects.

Other Considerations

Alcohol and the use of tobacco products are the other considerations people should take while undergoing oral drug tests. It would help to avoid smoking or using tobacco for at least an hour before the test. Finally, make sure to brush your teeth thoroughly before the test. This will help to remove any residue that may be on your teeth.

However, "remember, prevention is the best cure. Stay drug-free and avoid the hassle of passing an oral drug test altogether."

What Are the Oral Drug Test Detection Factors to Consider?

Because controlled studies can be tricky to carry out, it can be difficult to determine the precise detection time for any drug test. According to one study, illegal substances were delivered to healthy volunteers, and the quantities offered were little compared to doses found on street drugs. The following factors can affect the detection period:

  • The substance used

  • Dosage of the substance

  • Frequency and duration of drug usage

  • The preparation method

  • Route of drug administration

  • Subject's metabolism

  • Sensitivity of the testing technique

Test Results and Their Meaning

An oral drug test can be negative, positive, or inconclusive. Each result can indicate a different meaning. These include:


If you get a negative report, this means your sample contains no or a small amount of substance.


If you test positive, it means your sample contains more quantity of a specific drug. This might have certain consequences.


The test shows an inconclusive report when there are technical issues with medical equipment or some other problems. It shows your oral drug test is neither negative nor positive. So, in this case, you might need another test. 

Summing Up

The good news is that now you know how to pass an oral drug test. Drinking a lot of fluids, avoiding alcohol and tobacco products, rinsing the mouth using mouthwashes, refusing drug use several days before the test, brushing the teeth frequently, eating fiber-rich food, etc can help pass a mouth swab test. However, some detox drinks, chewing gums, mints, and candies have also been shown to be very helpful in passing an oral drug test by lowering the concentration of drugs below the detection threshold. So, I hope now you understand better "how do you beat a mouth swab". I wish you the best of luck!

Also Read: Does Certo Work For Urine Tests?

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do drugs stay in saliva?

The typical detection window for a mouth swab drug test is 48 hours.

Is it legal to use narcotic drugs?

In most countries, it is illegal and punishable to use narcotic drugs.

How far inside does a mouth swab travel?

The swab is inserted into the mouth between the cheek and gum line and rubbed on the inside of the cheek for about 30 seconds. The swab is then inserted into the collection tube and sealed.

What can you use to pass oral drug test?

To successfully clear an oral drug test, it's essential to refrain from drug use and uphold proper oral hygiene.

What should I avoid before a saliva drug test?

In preparation for a saliva drug test, it's important to steer clear of drugs, alcohol, nicotine, and poppy-containing items.

How do they test for oral drug test?

During an oral drug test, a saliva swab is utilized to collect a sample for drug presence screening.

How to pass a mouth swab drug test?

To pass a mouth swab drug test, follow strategies like abstaining from drug use, practicing good oral hygiene, and being prepared for the test.

Should I chew gum before oral drug test?

Chewing gum before an oral drug test is not a reliable method to beat the test, as traces of drugs can still be detected.

How to pass mouth swab test in 12 hours?

Avoid drug use and use a strong mouthwash before the test, though results may not be guaranteed.

How to pass mouth swab for THC?

Use detox gums and strong detoxifying mouthwashes to pass a mouth swab test for THC metabolites.

What can make you fail an oral drug test?

Failing an oral drug test is typically due to recent drug use or exposure to substances that leave traces detectable in saliva.