
Is Bronchitis contagious?

Acute and chronic forms of bronchitis are an inflammation of the bronchial passages. Many people wonder if bronchitis may spread. This page explores bronchitis, how it spreads, and its symptoms in an effort to increase understanding for better prevention and wiser choices.

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Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchial tubes present in the lungs. It can be acute or chronic depending on its short-term or long-term effect on the human being. People often get startled by the name bronchitis and ask - is Bronchitis contagious? This article has described a few details about Bronchitis, its transmission, and its symptoms. Understanding any disease will help you with better prevention and the science behind it.

Fast Facts About Bronchitis - 

  • There are two types of Bronchitis- acute and chronic.
  • Acute Bronchitis is caused by an infection, which can take the phase of being contagious. The infection takes at least 7 to 10 days to leave the body. Bronchitis can make you cough and sneeze as an initial symptom and may persist for a few weeks. Acute bronchitis contagious.
  • Acute Bronchitis appears to be an upper respiratory infection caused by the same virus that led to the formation of cold and flu.
  • The spread of bacterial culture can also cause Bronchitis. This type of Bronchitis accounts for only 5% of cases.
  • Chronic Bronchitis is the type that stays for a long time in the human body. It is typically caused by smoking and can also occur because of prolonged exposure to other harmful irritants.
  • Chronic Bronchitis leads to a phlegmy cough, and as long as the leading cause behind this is not an infection, it is not contagious.

Also Read: Is Upper Respiratory Infection Contagious?

Is Bronchitis contagious?

Yes, Bronchitis is contagious or transferable if the cause is a virus, leading to significant symptoms like cold and cough. Among the two types: Acute bronchitis contagious, acute Bronchitis is the type that spreads through infection and coughing. Bronchitis is transmitted to other people depending on its type and the extent of infection. When a person with coughs, tiny droplets, and Bronchitis comes in close to another person, it can quickly spread through the virus, attacking the body parts like the nose, eyes, and mouth. Therefore, you may get sick after touching a person's hands with an infection. If you are a smoker with asthma, you may have the chance to develop acute Bronchitis.

Also Read: What Is the Difference Between a Bacterial and Viral Infection?

How does the transmission of Bronchitis take place?

Acute Bronchitis spreads because of microscopic airborne droplets and germs, making anyone sneeze or cough while speaking. This type of disease can spread to another person through hand touch or physical contact with the infected person. If bacteria cause acute bronchitis, they can still be transmitted to another person if there is a compromised immune system. Many bacteria lead to this disease and may include:

Also read: Is laryngitis contagious? Causes, Treatment, and Prevention.

How do you know if Bronchitis is contagious?

After receiving your medical reports and understanding your medical condition, you may have asked your doctor- Is Bronchitis contagious? In general, the extent of the contagious period of Bronchitis depends on the type of virus transferred to another person from an infected person. Most of the time, people actively pass the infection to another person within a few days or weeks after getting adversely impacted by the disease.

How does the disease- Bronchitis appear in the human body? What are its symptoms?

The symptoms of Bronchitis generally start with the feeling of tiredness. It may lead to coughing, a runny nose, sore throat, and headache. If these symptoms fade away within a week or two, you may have mild symptoms of cough and cold. Otherwise, you are required to see a doctor. Other symptoms include:

The most common symptoms last for around three months. You will often have a mucus-filled cough or phlegm in your nose.

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 What are the available chronic and acute bronchitis treatments?

If you have Bronchitis and a virus causes it, the doctor will probably call it cold or flu. You need to rest and drink a lot of fluid to maintain the presence of minerals and salt in your body. Your healthcare practitioner may also refer you to certain over-the-counter medications or antibiotics to reduce symptoms. Some people use humidifiers with a runny nose or viral or flu. Antibiotics do not work well on viruses, and your doctor will not prescribe the medicines until you discover that you are suffering from Bronchitis due to bacteria. It will be a little more complicated if you have been suffering from chronic Bronchitis, and your healthcare practitioner will probably work on your symptoms instead of controlling the disease. 

This will allow the doctor to slow the virus's spread and future progression. Moreover, you can fight the signs and can have various treatment options, including

  • Stop smoking
  • Bronchodilators - the process of increasing the airways in bronchial tubes
  • Glucocorticoids - lead to the lowering of inflammation
  • phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors- help in promoting muscle relaxation and decreasing inflammation

Also Read: A Guide to Choose the Best Humidifier for Asthma

What can be the preventive measures for Bronchitis? 

It is common to catch acute Bronchitis during the winter season. You can get a cold, flu, or fever with fog, snowy and cold winter waves. To reduce the risk of Bronchitis, you can follow the following preventive measures -

  • Avoid any close contact with anyone in any room or immediate vicinity.
  • Avoid sharing edible items, utensils, clothing, or wardrobes with any infected person.
  • Do not use tissues or disposables an infected person uses; the virus can spread and lead to Bronchitis.
  • Wash your hands before and after any event where you need to eat anything, like at the party venue, restaurant, or wedding. Use hand sanitizer if you cannot arrange soaps.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, nose, or mouth with dirty hands.
  • Stop or avoid smoking, especially in the summer, when the virus can spread highly through sweating and water.

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Conclusion -

When you know, you will never ask again - Is Bronchitis contagious? In reality, Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease leading to a persistent cough. When it is contagious, it is caused because of the virus. Chronic Bronchitis occurs because of smoking and second-hand smoke (most probably). Most Bronchitis can go away within a few weeks; if a virus causes it, it can remain for a long time, maybe for years. Also Read: How You Can Help Your Heart if You Quit Smoking

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get bronchitis?

Bronchitis is typically contracted through viral or bacterial infections that spread via respiratory droplets, but it can also result from irritants like smoke or pollution.

Is acute bronchitis contagious?

Yes, acute bronchitis can be contagious, especially when caused by a viral infection, as it can spread through respiratory droplets.

Tagged in Cold, Wheezing