
How To Live A Healthy Life After Heart Attack?

Read how life after heart attack is easier if the patient is aware of changes that need to be made a part of his lifestyle.

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Life after heart attack - Suffering a Heart Attack isn't easy but once you have successfully passed that stage, living a fully productive life can be made easy. You might need to incorporate a few lifestyle changes in your daily routine to prevent any such events in future. The initial period post heart attack might be full of anxiety, fear and stress. Life after a heart attack is easier if the patient is aware of changes that need to be made a part of his lifestyle.

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Life After Heart Attack

Take Your Medications Religiously

The cardiologist would prescribe certain medication to maintain a healthy heart post a heart attack. The patient should ensure to take them religiously as prescribed. These are essential drugs to keep your condition in check and prevent any follow-up heart attack. Talk to your cardiologist to know the effect of each medication and prepare a list; the medicines should be carried along while traveling as well. Any alternatives should also be asked about, to address any shortages, if any.

Don't Miss Follow-up Appointments

A quick way to check your recovery is to be holistic in attending the follow-up visit. The cardiologist will mark the patient's progress and might suggest a modification to hasten the recovery process and ensure a healthy life after heart attack.

Cardiac Rehabilitation after Heart attack

Cardiac rehabilitation, or CR, is an additional measure that helps in recovery and is a medically supervised program. Post discharge, the cardiologist will suggest a CR to the patient and it will continue during the recovery phase.

Lifestyle Changes

This would contribute essentially towards a non-medicine based recovery program and would need the patient to understand that healthy diet and active lifestyle can significantly reduce the chances of another heart attack. Eating low saturated fat diet and diet rich in fiber would help in less buildup of coronary plaques and cholesterol formation would also be less. Use of refined flours and processed foods should be totally avoided. Avoid too much consumption of sweet products and sugar. Brisk walk for 20-45 minutes is highly advised. Smoking should be reduced significantly and alcohol consumption should be limited to ensure a healthy life after heart attack.

Also Read: Could You Have a Heart Attack and Not Know It?

Overcome Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety post a heart attack is quite common; the feeling of having another heart attack might trouble the patient quite often and may lead him into depression. It is good to talk to a trusted heart specialist or visit the Best Cardiologist in Bhubaneswar to seek any advice based on it. Lot of these worries wean off with time and with the help of a professional counsellor. Support from family and friends can also help in relieving stress and anxiety. It is good for the patient to communicate openly to them as it will assist in comprehending his state of mind and then dealing with it effectively. Read more blogs in details for understanding the Life After Heart Attack. Call 8010-994-994 and talk to Credi Medical Experts for FREE. Get assistance in choosing the right cardiologist and hospital for your treatment.