
9 Unique Symptoms of Low Alkaline Phosphatase

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Have you ever wondered what low alkaline phosphatase (ALP) could mean for your health? It's not something we talk about often, but it can seriously affect your body. ALP helps with bone health and nutrient metabolism. When it's low, you might start feeling things you wouldn't normally connect to this condition.

You might notice bone pain that doesn't go away, or maybe your fractures take longer to heal. These symptoms can confuse you because they often look like other issues, like a lack of vitamins or just getting older. Almost 47.6% of the people with low ALP levels also don't get enough zinc. This makes figuring out what's wrong even harder.

So, keep reading to learn about nine symptoms of low ALP that might just surprise you.

What is Alkaline phosphatase?

Low Alkaline phosphatase symptoms


Alkaline phosphatase is a molecule known as an enzyme and a protein type that can accelerate chemical reactions in the body. Alkaline phosphatase can be found scattered throughout the body and present primarily in the liver, kidney, and bones. It is also present in the placenta of pregnant females. 

This enzyme is helpful in:

  • Bone calcification and mineralization process

  • Cellular growth and movements in the cells

  • Digestion in the gut microbe balance

  • The breaking down of fats and specific vitamins

While we may not understand how this enzyme functions in the body, we need to know that abnormal levels can indicate an underlying medical condition. Dangerous alkaline phosphatase levels may be considered above the normal range, which is typically 20 to 140 IU/L.

9 Symptoms of low alkaline phosphatase levels

When your levels of alkaline phosphatase go down this can be a sign that all is not well with your body. This enzyme is especially important for the liver and bones. Low levels of the enzyme may result in few observable symptoms.

Now let’s analyze how you are likely to feel if there are any imbalances in your body.

1. Malnutrition

Malnutrition is one significant indicator that denotes low alkaline phosphatase symptoms. It comes about when the body does not get enough nutrients, particularly protein. You could lose weight unintentionally, become weak or feel unwell generally. You know it is like when your body does not have the energy it needs and this affects it after some time.

2. Zinc Deficiency

Zinc is essential for various purposes such as maintaining strong hair and nails. Hair loss, frail nails or even food tasting differently may indicate that your zinc levels are too low. The problem is compounded by low alkaline phosphatase which makes it difficult for the human system to absorb zinc minerals into itself.

3. Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium helps your muscles work properly and keeps your energy up. If you’re always tired, getting muscle cramps, or feeling weak, low magnesium could be the cause. 

Low alkaline phosphatase might be behind that. When your body isn’t getting enough magnesium, it can start to show in these ways, making everyday tasks feel harder.

4. Anaemia

Having a deficiency of red blood cells is referred to as anemia. This can leave you feeling very tired, weak and even slightly breathless.If your alkaline phosphate levels are down then your body may find it difficult to produce sufficient red blood cells resulting in anemia.

Low alkaline phosphatase symptoms such as these will really pull you down thereby making it hard for you to get through the day.

5. Vitamin B 12 Deficiency

Are you feeling super tired or having trouble focusing? That might be a Vitamin B12 deficiency. This vitamin is crucial for your nerves and blood cells. Low alkaline phosphatase can make it harder for your body to absorb and use B12. Low alkaline phosphatase like these can make you feel sluggish and out of sync, so it’s important to pay attention.

6. Hypothyroidis

Hypothyroidism is a condition which occurs as the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. This can lead to weight gain, always feeling drained, to the point of always feeling a bit sad. Sometimes signs of low alkaline phosphatase are related to hypothyroidism. If you experience such symptoms it is high time you got your thyroid and alkaline phosphatase checked.

7. Vitamin D

At times, low levels of Alkaline phosp- has also been seen to cause high levels of vitamin D in the system. This can give you nausea, dizziness or even make you weak to the extent of feeling that you have a stomach ache. In general, Vitamin D is beneficial for your organism, however, if you introduce it in larger doses, it has unpleasant effects. It’s a pity low alkaline phosphatase may look like this, but they mean that the balance in your body is disturbed.

8. Hypophosphatasia

Your bones don’t develop or harden as they should during hypophosphatasia. This is associated with symptoms of low alkaline phosphatase. Your bone may become fragile or you may be more prone to fractures. It’s a serious problem and being able to detect it early can make all the difference in treatment.

9. Wilson Disease

In Wilson Disease, copper buildup in the liver and other organs due to genetic disorder is common. It could manifest as yellowing skin, fatigue or abdominal pain.The presence of low alkaline phosphatase could indicate this disease. If untreated, it can cause more serious health problems therefore one must nip it in the bud.

These symptoms are signals from your body that something isn’t right. It’s crucial to listen to them and seek help if you notice any of these signs.

Also Read: Top 9 Vitamin D-Rich Foods in India For Immunity, Nutrition and Bone Health

How to fix the low Alkaline phosphatase symptoms?

Though it is easy to fix the low levels of alkaline phosphatase with just a well-rounded diet and a few lifestyle changes, let's have a look at these:

 Low Alkaline phosphatase symptoms, alkaline phosphatase low symptoms

1. Healthy fats 

Getting plenty of nutrients like protein, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B can be crucial when restoring alkaline phosphatase levels. You should include healthy fats like olive oil, butter, and ghee.

2. High-quality proteins 

Opt for high-quality animal products like grass-fed fish, beef and pork, or chicken to get tasty and healthy protein shakes for that high-quality protein in your diet. Plant protein complete formulae that are available in both chocolate and vanilla powder.

Also Read: Diabetes-Friendly Protein Shakes: A Guide to Better Health

3. Fruits and vegetables 

Try incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into every meal and aim to eat the rainbow by mixing various tasty food. If you need help finding ways to incorporate more fruits and veggies, head over and check the delicious healthy recipes with this fruit and vegetables.

4. Filtered water 

Ensure that you have the water to drink is pure and free from harmful toxins and contaminants. Investigate the quality of water purifiers to ensure an easy way of getting rid of pure, clean water.

5. Nutritional supplements-

If you have lower alkaline phosphatase levels, then there will be some nutrient supplements that are simple and powerful to concentrate on helping and boosting the nutrition levels. Some of these supplements are-

  • Vitamin essentials

  • Mineral Essentials

  • Thyroid boosters

  • Vitamin B complexes

  • Zinc

Add a handful of other supplements that can significantly speed up the ability to bounce back and restore the alkaline phosphatase levels to normal. Eating nutrient-dense food and a well-rounded diet can help restore nutrient deficiencies and can sometimes have a little extra boost of these strategies and supplementations.

Should I be worried about my low Alkaline Phosphatase levels?

It is possible to see more and more cases of lower alkaline phosphatase, and this can be due to modern lifestyles and modern agricultural practices. In addition, we live in a world of surplus calories that are not nutritionally dense and can lower alkaline levels. So you do not need to be worried about lower levels of Alkaline. Just try to follow a nutritionally dense diet, and you will be fine.


Low alkaline phosphatase levels can show up in ways you might not expect. These symptoms, like malnutrition or weak bones, can really affect your health if you ignore them. It’s important to know what to look for and talk to a doctor if you notice any of these signs. 

The good news is, catching these symptoms early can help you take steps to improve your health. So, don’t wait—if something feels off, get it checked out. Early action can make a big difference in how you feel and how your body functions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the symptoms of low alkaline levels?

Some symptoms of low alkaline levels include a headache, breathlessness, and fatigue. In addition, weight gain, muscle weakness, and dry skin can also result from low alkaline phosphatase levels.

What can it mean if the alkaline phosphatase levels are low?

The lower-than-average levels of ALP can be in the blood with an indication of protein deficiency or Wilson disease. It can also signal malnutrition or celiac disease. Lower alkaline levels can also indicate insufficient nutrition of vitamins and minerals.

How does low alkaline phosphatase affect the body?

Low levels can lead to symptoms like weak bones, fatigue, and nutrient deficiencies.

Can low alkaline phosphatase cause malnutrition?

Yes, it can contribute to malnutrition by impairing nutrient absorption.

What are common signs of zinc deficiency linked to low alkaline phosphatase?

Hair loss, brittle nails, and a reduced sense of taste are common signs.

Is anemia related to low alkaline phosphatase levels?

Yes, low levels can lead to anemia, causing fatigue and weakness.

Can low alkaline phosphatase lead to too much Vitamin D?

Yes, it can cause Vitamin D excess, leading to nausea and dizziness.

What is hypophosphatasia, and how is it related to low alkaline phosphatase?

Hypophosphatasia is a condition where low alkaline phosphatase weakens bones, making them prone to fractures

What level of alkaline phosphatase is dangerous?

Elevated alkaline phosphatase levels may be considered concerning above the normal range, which is typically 20 to 140 IU/L.