
5 Facts About Feeding Low Birth Weight Babies: WHO

Read more about the 5 facts about feeding low birth weight babies as recommended by WHO.

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  • The WHO recommends that Low Birth Weight babies, especially very low birth weight (VLBW), should be fed their mother's own milk. If, for some reason, infants cannot be fed their mother's own milk - this should be replaced with human (donor) milk. In case donor is not available, another option is standard infant formula.
  • Babies that have low weight at birth, are advised to be given vitamin D supplements (dose range 400 i.u. to 1000 i.u.) every day until six months of age.
Watch Dr. Ashutosh Soniya, Consultant - Pediatrics, Columbia Asia Hospital, Gurgaon talk about using baby products for consumption till 1 and a half months. Babies are delicate, there are certain changes which every baby goes through after birth. Parents should ask their doctor for all related information.
  • In spite of being fed their mother's milk or donor human milk - low birth weight babies are advised to be given calcium daily (120-140 mg/kg per day) and phosphorus (60-90 mg/kg per day) - for the first month.
  • The WHO recommends babies that have low weight at birth to be given iron supplements (2-4 mg/kg per day) starting at two weeks until six months of age.
Watch Dr. Himanshu Batra, Consultant - Pediatrics department at Columbia Asia Hospital in Gurgaon talk about common diseases in children.
  • Low birth weight babies who require feeding through a different approach from breastfeeding - should be fed by a cup with a beaker or a spoon.
