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An eye condition called age-related macular degeneration (AMD) can cause central vision to become indistinct and dull. It turns up when aging causes damage to the macula, the part of the eye that controls accurate, straight-ahead vision. The macula is a portion of the retina (the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye).Dry macular degeneration is a common eye ailment in persons over 50. The inner layers of the macula begin to degrade, which results in hazy or diminished central vision.Dry macular degeneration may start to affect one eye before the other. Additionally, it could manifest simultaneously in both eyes. When eyesight deteriorates over time, it may affect one's ability to read, drive, and recognize others. However, having dry macular degeneration does not assure total blindness. People often just lose their central vision, retaining their peripheral vision. Some suffer from only a minimal loss of central vision. Others may experience a more severe case. The loss of vision caused by dry macular degeneration may be put back with an early identification and self-care methods.


AMD is basically of two types Dry and wet AMD.Most AMD patients have dry AMD (also called atrophic AMD). At this point in life, the macula begins to become fragile. There are three stages of dry AMD: early, middle, and late. Typically, it develops gradually over some time. Late dry AMD has no known cure; however, there are techniques to maximize your remaining vision. You can also take precautions to safeguard your other eye if you only have late dry AMD in one of your eyes.Wet AMD, also known as advanced neovascular AMD, is a less frequent kind of late AMD that typically results in a rapid loss of eyesight. Wet AMD can come about at any stage of dry AMD; however wet AMD is always the late stage. The macula is injured when aberrant blood vessels develop behind the eye. There are treatments available for wet AMD, which is good news.


A dry macular degeneration symptom typically grows without pain. They may include:
  • Visual distortions, such as straight lines seeming crooked.
  • Diminished central vision in one or both eyes.
  • The need for radiant light when reading or doing close-up work.
  • Increased difficulty mending to low light levels, such as when entering a dimly lit restaurant or theater.
  • Increased haziness while reading printed words.
  • Difficulty perceiving faces.
  • A distinct blind patch or hazy area in the field of view.
One or both eyes can be impacted by dry macular degeneration. If only one eye is affected, you may not notice any transition in your vision. This is because your good eye may reimburse for the affected eye. And the situation doesn't affect the side vision, so it does not cause total blindness.Moreover, since the disorder does not impair side vision, it does not result in complete blindness.


As you age, you become more liable to AMD. A greater likelihood of AMD exists in people over the age of 55. Nobody is certain of the specific cause of dry macular degeneration. According to research, it might be caused by a mix of environmental variables like smoking, obesity, and food as well as family genes. It's crucial to have routine eye checkups if you have AMD due to your age, family history, or other circumstances. Waiting until your eyesight changes is a mistake as an early AMD has no symptoms.


Factors responsible for the onset of macular degeneration:
  • Age- People over 60 have the highest incidence of this condition.
  • Genetics and family history: This illness has a hereditary element. Numerous genes connected to the illness have been found by researchers.
  • Race: White persons are more likely to have macular degeneration.
  • Smoking: Smoking tobacco products or frequently being around tobacco smoke significantly raises your risk of macular degeneration.
  • Obesity: According to research, having obese may raise your risk of developing the more severe form of macular degeneration from early or intermediate macular degeneration.
  • Cardiovascular illness: Macular degeneration risk may be greater if you have heart or blood vessel problems.


Visual hallucinations may occur in patients who have severe vision loss. Charles Bonnet syndrome is the name given to this illness. If left untreated, dry macular degeneration may develop into wet macular degeneration, which can swiftly result in vision loss. Consult an ophthalmologist if you become aware of abnormalities in your central vision, such as distortion or blind areas or your vision becomes less precise. These alterations could be the first indication of macular degeneration, especially if you're older than 60. An ophthalmologist in gurgaon might charge a minimal amount of INR 500 to INR 2000. 


The course of treatment depends on the kind and stage of AMD. Your ophthalmologist will likely do routine eye screening to check the health of your eyes as an early AMD has no recognized treatment. Healthy eating, frequent exercise, and giving up smoking can all be beneficial.Special dietary supplements (vitamins and minerals) may be able to forbid late AMD from developing if you have intermediate AMD in 1 or both of your eyes. These supplements may decrease the advancement of AMD in your other eye if you just have late AMD in one eye.Other therapies may be able to prevent further eyesight loss if you have wet AMD:
  • Anti-VEGF medications that a physician injects into your eye;
  • Photodynamic treatment (PDT), is a combination of injections and laser treatment.
At the moment, there is no known treatment for late dry AMD, but researchers are making great efforts to identify one.