
Pancreatic Cancer Survival Rates by Age: Understanding the Impact on Prognosis

Pancreatic Cancer Survival Rates by Age: If a person age is older than 60 years showed 5.3% survival rate, while below 20 years showed 86.5%.

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Pancreatic cancer is a serious illness that can be tough to beat. People of all ages can get it, and it's crucial to understand how age might affect their chances of survival. In this blog, we will explore the survival rates of pancreatic cancer based on different age groups. By breaking down the facts, we hope to bring awareness to this important topic and provide valuable information for everyone to understand. Join us as we delve into the numbers and discover how age plays a role in fighting pancreatic cancer. So scroll down to understand pancreatic cancer survival rates by age.

What is pancreatic cancer?

Pancreatic cancer starts in the tissues of your pancreas, an organ in your abdomen located behind the bottom section of your stomach. Your pancreas generates enzymes that facilitate digestion and hormones that manage blood sugar. The pancreas can develop a variety of tumors, including malignant and noncancerous tumors. The most common type of pancreatic cancer originates in the cells that line the ducts that transport digestive enzymes from the pancreas. Pancreatic cancer is discovered at early stages when it is mostly treatable. Because it frequently has no symptoms until it spreads to other organs. Treatment choices for pancreatic cancer are determined by the degree of cancer. Surgery, chemo, radiotherapy, or a combination could be options. Also Read: Pancreatitis: Inflammation of the Pancreas

What are the Symptoms of pancreatic cancer?

Pancreatic cancer symptoms do not usually appear until the disease has progressed. They could include:
  • Backache caused by abdominal discomfort
  • Appetite loss or unintentional weight loss
  • jaundice
  • Stools in light colors
  • Dark urine
  • Itchy skin
  • Diabetes diagnosis or current diabetes that is getting increasingly difficult to control.
  • Blood clots
  • Fatigue
Also Read: Do You Know The Symptoms Of Jaundice?

What are the causes of pancreatic cancer?

The lifetime risk of acquiring pancreatic cancer is approximately one in 64. A risk factor is something that increases your chances of contracting an illness. There are risk variables that are caused by behavior and can be altered. 
  1. Using cigarettes, cigars, and other tobacco products.
  2. Obesity is a risk factor as well. Carrying excessive fat around the waist is dangerous, even if you are not obese.
  3. Diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes, is connected to obesity. The emergence of diabetes at an older age and in someone of normal weight or BMI could be a symptom of pancreatic cancer.
  4. The use of chemicals by dry cleaners and metal workers.
  5. Chronic pancreatitis is a permanent pancreas inflammation caused by smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
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What is the stage of pancreatic cancer?

pancreatic cancer survival rates by age Pancreatic cancer is classified into five stages. Your diagnosis is determined by the size and location of the tumor, as well as whether or not the cancer has spread: Stage 0: Also called carcinoma in situ, this Stage 0 is distinguished by abnormal cells in the pancreatic lining. The cells could develop into cancer and spread to neighboring tissue. Stage 1: The tumor is in the pancreas at this stage. Stage 2: The tumor has progressed to neighboring tissues, organs, or lymph nodes and is in the pancreas. Stage 3: Cancer has spread to major blood arteries around the pancreas at this stage. It could potentially have migrated to adjacent lymph nodes. Stage 4: In this stage, it has migrated to distant body parts, such as the lungs, liver, or abdominal cavity. It may have spread to nearby organs, tissues, or lymph nodes. Also Read: Cancer: Could Daily Vitamin D Help Lower Risk of Death

 What are pancreatic cancer survival rates by age?

Pancreatic cancer, the 11th most common cancer in India, has an extremely low chance of survival if detected and treated early. The pancreatic cancer death rate in India has more than 5-fold increase since 1990, rising from 6,887 in 1990 to 30,426 in 2017.
Age Relative survival rate
<20 86.5%
20-40 54.7%
40-60 15.9%
60+ 5.3%
Furthermore, for advanced clinical stages 3 and 4, the oldest age group over 65 had the worst prognosis. This is consistent with a study conducted in the United Kingdom, which discovered that younger patients aged 20 to 40 had the best survival rate when diagnosed with a lesser pathological grade and at an earlier stage. The five-year survival rate is 42%. If cancer is discovered early, the surgical removal of the tumor is possible. At this stage, approximately 13% of people are diagnosed.  The 5-year survival rate for cancer that has spread to enclosing tissues or organs is 14%. The 5-year survival rate for the 52% of people diagnosed after cancer has been spread to a distant part of the body is 3%.

Importance of Early Detection in Improving Pancreatic Cancer Survival Rates by Age

Early detection of Pancreatic Cancer aids in better treatment and health outcomes. The following factors explain the role of Early Detection for increased Pancreatic Cancer Survival Rates by Age:
  • Detecting Pancreatic Cancer in Younger Patients

According to the Americans Cancer Society, early detection is pivotal in improving pancreatic cancer survival rates among younger patients. Younger individuals are often more resilient and have better overall health, which can positively influence their response to treatments. Regular health check-ups, awareness of potential risk factors, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can aid in identifying pancreatic cancer at an early stage when treatment options are more effective.
  • The Impact of Early Diagnosis on Elderly Patients

For elderly individuals, early detection of pancreatic cancer becomes even more critical. As age is a risk factor for this disease, older patients may be more likely to develop pancreatic cancer. Timely diagnosis allows healthcare providers to consider treatment plans that suit the patient's specific health conditions, increasing the chances of successful outcomes. Also Read: How Long Can You Have Bone Cancer Without Knowing?
  • The Importance of Screening Programs

Implementing effective pancreas screening test programs can significantly contribute to early detection, especially among high-risk individuals based on age and other factors. Such programs help identify pancreatic cancer in its initial stages, providing patients with a broader range of treatment options and potentially improving their overall survival rates.
  • Empowering Patients with Awareness

Raising awareness about pancreatic cancer's symptoms and risk factors across all age groups is crucial for early detection. By educating people about the warning signs, such as unexplained weight loss, abdominal pain, and jaundice, individuals may seek medical attention promptly, leading to earlier diagnosis and improved chances of survival.
  • Enhancing Access to Healthcare Services

Improving access to healthcare services and medical facilities can play a significant role in early detection and subsequent treatment of pancreatic cancer. By ensuring that individuals of all ages can access healthcare facilities and receive timely medical attention, we can work towards reducing the impact of pancreatic cancer on different age groups and improving survival rates.

What exactly is the five"year survival rate?

A relative survival rate compares people with pancreatic cancer of the same type and stage to the general population. For example, suppose the 5-year relative survival rate for a particular pancreatic cancer phase is 50%. In that case, it means that people with that cancer are 50% more likely than people who do not have certain cancer to live for at least five years after being diagnosed. The study analyzed the pancreatic cancer survival rates by age, revealing a higher chance of survival among younger patients compared to older ones.  Also Read: Skin cancer: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, And Preventions


Over the last few decades, the survival rate of pancreatic cancer patients has increased. Age of diagnosis is a significant and detrimental prognostic factor for Pancreatic survival, with patients diagnosed at a younger stage having the best chance of survival.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the life expectancy of a person with pancreatic cancer?

The normal life expectancy of pancreatic cancer is about 3 to 3.5 years before the tumor spreads to other organs.

Is pancreatic cancer almost always fatal?

The survival rate of pancreatic cancer is about 8.5%. The person gets only alive for five years after the diagnosis.

Can you live 10 years after pancreatic cancer?

The average life expectancy of pancreatic cancer is 3 to 4 years since the detection of the condition. However, if it is in the early stage, the age expectancy will also go to 11 to 12 years.

How fast does pancreatic cancer go from stage 1 to stage 4?

Only 1 year is needed for the tumor to go into the advanced stage from T1 TO T4.

Is chemo worth it for pancreatic cancer?

Unfortunately, chemotherapy is not much effective for pancreatic cancer.

Why is pancreatic cancer so terminal?

This is because it is an insidious disease. This will not show any signs or symptoms.

Is pancreatic cancer still a death sentence?

It will not be a death sentence if you start curing pancreatic cancer early.

Why pancreatic cancer kills so fast?

In the starting stage, the tumor does not show any signs and symptoms until and unless it becomes advanced. Therefore, 95% of people die from pancreatic cancer.

What is the biggest cause of pancreatic cancer?

Smoking is the leading cause of pancreatic cancer—around 25% of people have pancreatic cancer because of smoking and its toxins.

Categorized into General Health, Cancer