
Plastic surgery: not only for Bollywood celebs

Not only women, but men are also undergoing plastic surgery to look good and keep up with the opposite sex. Are you up for it?

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In recent times, aesthetic surgeries (also called plastic surgeries) such as breast enhancement, nose, lip job or tummy tuck have gained lot of popularity among Indian population. It is no longer the celebs who undergo these procedures but middle class is also not hesitant to go under the knife. Aesthetic surgery is also known as cosmetic surgery or re-constructive surgery.

Indians love for 'good looks'

India as a culture and community is obsessed with 'good looks.' It is so much entrenched in our minds that our self-esteem and confidence relies on it to a great extent. A 2010 Times of India (TOI) article highlights the top countries for cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures ranking by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. It placed India on the fourth position after US, Brazil and China.

Why is there a sudden urge for plastic surgery?

Rise in the disposable income among the middle class is giving them the discretionary power to spend on their aesthetic appearance. Now the aesthetic surgery techniques are also easily available, affordable and accessible to the masses. This coupled with growing awareness about how cosmetic surgery can enhance their physical appearance is making it popular among middle class Indians too.

What kind of cosmetic procedures people opt for?

Breast enhancement is the most common procedures performed followed by facelifts, liposuction and rhinoplasty. Facelifts help to remove wrinkles and tighten the sagging skin of the face. Liposuction is the surgical removal of body fat from specific areas to give a new shape. Rhinoplasty is done to correct the shape of the nose. Usually young and middle-aged people go for rhinoplasty, breast enhancement, dental corrections and hair removal. Older adults are more interested in liposuction, facelifts and stretch marks removal to regain their youthful appearance.

No longer a 'Taboo' 

Cosmetic or aesthetic surgeries is fast shedding its 'taboo' tag and heading towards becoming a status symbol. Not only women, but men are also undergoing these procedures to look good and keep up with the opposite sex. The demographics are vast - with men and women in their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s opting for breast enhancement, facelifts, Botox, nose job and lip job to get desired looks. If you are unsatisfied with the shape or appearance of any part of your body, maybe hollow cheeks, wrinkles, large nose or thin lips, aesthetic surgery can transform the way you look. Are you up for it? Share your thoughts below! Image courtesy- Wikipedia