
Porcelain Veneers Cost Melbourne - Why are they Expensive?"

porcelain veneers have gone through many technological innovations to help you achieve an impressive smile by correcting your teeth compli...

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A beautiful smile is an essential feature of the human body as it can open the doors of opportunity and transform your life for the better. However, not everyone is blessed with a perfect and alluring smile. Common dental problems such as chipped, broken, and crooked teeth could prevent you from smiling freely. Furthermore, discoloured and stained teeth can make you feel embarrassed about your smile. Dr Charles Pincus started using porcelain veneers for Hollywood actors for the first time in the 1920s. Since then, porcelain veneers have gone through many technological innovations to help you achieve an impressive smile by correcting your teeth complications. Unfortunately, while the treatment results are something to look forward to, they could burn a hole in your pocket. It is only natural to wonder if the high cost of porcelain veneers cost Melbourne is justified? 

Why is High Porcelain Veneers Cost Melbourne Justifiable? 

These veneers are made from medical-grade ceramics and have a small and thin shell shape. Porcelain veneers are cemented to the front surface of your damaged teeth and help you achieve a rapid smile transformation. With the help of this treatment, you will be able to hide discolouration, tooth crack, chipped teeth, and many moredental ailments and boost your self-confidence. Here are some of the reasons why porcelain veneers cost Melbourne is high: 

They look natural: - 

Porcelain veneers are customized to resemble your original teeth, both in colour and texture. Upon your visit to the dentist, they will take the impression of your teeth to make customized porcelain veneers. The dentist will match the colour and texture of the shells to resemble your natural teeth. Having identical teeth will help give you a radiant smile and boost your self-confidence. 

Cure various dental Complications: - 

With the help of porcelain dental veneers, you will be able to get rid of minor cosmetic issues noticeable when you eat, smile, or talk. When you visit your dentist for the first time, he will be able to see if you need veneers.  For example, if you have the dental complications below, you will be a candidate for porcelain veneers. 
  • Gaps between teeth 
  • Missing teeth 
  • Chipped, broken, or misshapen teeth 
  • Stained or discoloured teeth 

Sturdy and Stain Resistant: - 

Porcelain veneers are resistant to stains and dental decay compared to natural teeth. With proper care veneers, it can last between 10 and 15 years. First, however, you will need to take care of your veneers just like your natural teeth.Good oral cleanliness and a healthy diet will go a long way to help your veneers last for years to come. Additionally, the dentist may ask you to quit smoking and limit your intake of coffee and alcohol. Furthermore, using your teeth to bite hard foods could lead to the chipping of your veneers.

Less Invasive:-

When you compare this treatment with a dental crown, you will be surprised to know that Porcelain veneer procedures are less invasive. Only ½ millimeters of enamel will be removed from the front surface of your teeth. Additionally, you may need very little or no anesthesia during this procedure. 

Final Words 

If you want to transform your problematic smile, then the high porcelain veneers cost Melbourne will not affect your decision. On the contrary, with the help of porcelain veneers, you will be able to achieve a beautiful and perfect smile! 
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