
Pregnancy FAQ

If you are planning pregnancy, you should consult your gynaecologist first. Read more pregnancy FAQ here.

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What should I do to plan my pregnancy?

If you are planning pregnancy, you should consult your gynaecologist first. He/she will ensure that thorough checkups are done to help the couple.

What should I do before I get pregnant to ensure healthy pregnancy?

  • Make sure you are perfectly healthy
  • Avoid drinking and smoking
  • Talk to your partner about having a child
  • Talk to your doctor if you or your partner has any of the diseases, such as, Diabetes, Epilepsy, high blood pressure, PCOD, complications in the previous pregnancy, etc.
  • You should also discuss if there is disease running in the family and take genetic counselling.

How can I confirm my pregnancy?

Pregnancy can be detected using a pregnancy detection kit that analyzes the urine samples. If it shows a positive, it can be confirmed at a laboratory.

How should I take care of my body during pregnancy?

You should take nutritious diet, be physically active, and get enough sleep. You should distress yourself as much as you can. The sooner a person quits smoking, the better it will be for conception. Smoking increases the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth and also means your baby can be born smaller and weaker. Also, you should take care nobody should smoke around you.

What should I do if I or my husband has Genetic Issues?

If you have already conceived & you have not taken genetic counselling, it is not too late to go. You must consult the genetic counsellor about the chances of the baby having genetic problems.

My pregnancy test is positive, but I am still having menstrual period. Is there something wrong?

You should be vigilant if there is spotting or heavy bleeding while you are pregnant. Having a normal menstrual period while you are pregnant is normal. However, spotting or heavy bleed may indicate miscarriage also. It may or may not be accompanied with abdominal pain, backache, presence of blood clots.

Is it normal to have nausea/vomiting in pregnancy?

Nausea or vomiting during pregnancy is normal during pregnancy. Though it is called as Morning Sickness, it can happen at any time of the day. It is an unpleasant feeling and may interfere with your routine activities; it is usually not harmful to the baby & to the mother. It can be controlled with changes in diet pattern and medications.

It is called as Hyperemesis Gravidarum when the vomiting becomes uncontrolled even with the help of medications. It leads to poor nutrition for the mother as well as for the baby and may need hospitalization.

I feel constipated most of the time. What should I do?

Constipation is one of the most common complaints during pregnancy. High fibre food, regular physical activity, plenty of fluids/water can be helpful in relieving constipation during pregnancy. Isabgol or other laxatives are helpful if constipation is not relieved.

I am urinating a lot after getting pregnant. Is it normal?

It is normal to urinate more than usual during pregnancy. You should avoid taking water, fluids, tea or coffee before going to bed. You may also feel urine leak while coughing, sneezing or laughing. It is normal during pregnancy, because of pelvic muscle relaxation to prepare for easy delivery of the baby. You can do pelvic muscle exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which will help in urine leak.

I am worried about dark pigmentation on my face & other parts of my body. What should I do?

The pigmentation or dark patches on skin of cheeks, nose, forehead & lips during pregnancy is called as melasma. This pigmentation fades away after the baby is delivered. Sunscreen & some other medicated creams may help in lightening the skin pigmentation.

There is generalized pigmentation of the body or in patches during pregnancy due to hormone changes. It includes the appearance of pigmented line below the umbilicus (naval), darker skin around nipples, underarm & pubic area. Generally the pigmentation resolves after delivery.

Stretch marks on the lower tummy appear during pregnancy. Some creams are available in the market to make the stretch marks lighter.

I have noticed some changes in my feet & legs while I am pregnant. What is it?

Swelling of feet & hands are normal during pregnancy. It is because of the extra fluid in the body. Swelling in feet can be prevented by avoiding standing for longer duration. You must put your feet up at regular intervals of 1-2 hours. You must seek advice of your doctor if it doesn't go away.

You may also notice pain/cramps in legs. This is due to extra weight-bearing of the baby. You should do leg exercises to relieve pain/cramps.

Sometimes the veins of legs become swollen (condition called as varicose veins). You should avoid prolonged standing & do leg exercises. You must consult your doctor if you notice these changes in your legs.

Can I take caffeine during pregnancy?

There is no common view-point whether to take coffee during pregnancy or not. However, it is advised to restrict the caffeine intake to less than 200mg per day.


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