
Sudden fever is always a bad sign...

For sudden fever, It's imperative that your child gets immediately checked by a doctor who can provide an accurate diagnosis of the disease.

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#1 Auto-immune diseases

"Auto" in Greek means self. These diseases are the result of inflammatory reactions which occur as a result of the body's immune system attacking its own tissues.

#2 Infective Endocarditis

This is the bacterial infection of the inner layers of the heart, and it carries with it a high rate of death.

#3 Mononucleosis

This is a highly contagious infection which is generalized in nature. Its symptoms are distributed all over the body. Caused by a virus, it spreads easily from person to person via saliva, which contains the mononucleosis. This is why it is also known as the Kissing Disease. Its symptoms can vary - sometimes they can be mild while at other times they can be dangerously severe, almost to the point of being life-threatening.

#4 Flu

Its medical term is influenza, and the Flu is an infection of the respiratory tract, which includes the throat, nose, lungs and bronchial tubes. Caused by a virus, it is highly contagious in nature. Much like mononucleosis, its symptoms can vary from being mild to severe to life-threatening.

#5 Hepatitis

This is a name given to a collective group of diseases that infect the liver. The most common Hepatitis include hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, all of which are caused by the Hepatitis virus.

#6 Meningococcal disease

Caused by a variety of the Neisseria Meningitides bacterium, this disease spreads from one's respiratory tract to the individual's blood stream, eventually landing in the nervous system.

It is also known as Meningococcal Meningitis, and its symptoms can be very severe, right from shock and coma, to death. This disease has known to have an outbreak in every country across the world, developing into minor epidemics in continents like Asia and Africa.

#7 Tuberculosis

More popularly known as TB, Tuberculosis is a contagious disease, which occurs due to bacterial infection in lungs. In not treated in time, it can spread to other parts of the body like kidneys, brain and bones. Caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterium, it spreads via coughs and sneezes, where the droplets infected with the bacteria are released into the air and breathed by other people.

#8 Sinusitis

It is an infection of the bones which are located in and around the nose, occurring in the air-filled spaces (called paranasal sinuses) which are present there. These spaces become inflamed when they are infected, resulting in the mucus membrane (which lines the sinus) swelling up. This in turn causes pressure, and thus pain around the eyes and cheekbone areas.

#9 Measles

It is a highly contagious disease which affects the respiratory tract when infected by a virus.

The throat, lungs are also prone to this infection. Its lesser known name is Rubeola and is an easily preventable disease which can be treated via vaccination. It can be very serious and result in life-threatening complications.