Liver and Pancreas

For the moon, Stars eternally dance02 June 2018 at 18:04

The liver is the only organ in the living being which has the capability to regenerate after injury and surgeries. In mammals only mass of liver is replaced but not shape therefore the process of rege....

For the moon, Stars eternally dance02 June 2018 at 18:02

The liver itself doesn’t react with hydrogen peroxide, an enzyme known as catalase react with hydrogen peroxide to detoxify this compound into oxygen gas & water. Our liver is important for cleani....

For the moon, Stars eternally dance19 January 2018 at 14:49

Cancer is by definition abnormal growth of tissue which spreads and causes damage. The actual mechanism why and how it happens is the subject of a great deal of study but appears to involve small grou....

Cancer Care

For the moon, Stars eternally dance02 June 2018 at 17:58

Stage is usually expressed as a number on a scale of 0 through IV — with stage 0 describing non-invasive cancers that remain within their original location and stage IV describing invasive cancers tha....