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    Member since 05 July 201805 July 2018 at 12:32

    34mm size stone it's not too much but risky. When a gallstone blocks the duct where bile moves from the gallbladder, it can cause inflammation and infection in the gallbladder. This is known as acu....

    Dr. Dr Vikrant Sharma

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    Member since 19 July 201822 July 2018 at 21:01

    HI there, will u you be interested in coming to delhi for the treatment , text on 8053436989

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health08 September 2018 at 12:38

    please see a general surgeon and get examined thoroughly for the same. You can visit


    I need to my dr serial

    • 2 people answered
    Member since 28 July 201928 July 2019 at 01:14

    My amylase are increasing day by day. please need your cooperation. How can you help me. I came from Bangladesh.

    Dr. Akanksha Pathania

    credihealthVerified DoctorMedical ExpertMedical Expert
    Member since 05 February 201920 February 2019 at 14:17

    Please see a doctor regarding constant abdominal pain. Speak to Credihealth's medical experts on 8010994994 for best doctor/ hospital options.