Dr. Akanksha Pathania

credihealthVerified DoctorMedical ExpertMedical Expert
Member since 05 February 201931 May 2023 at 09:12

It's crucial to act quickly if you notice an offensive odour in your genital region. Following are some actions you can take: Maintain good hygiene: Maintaining a genital area that smells fresh requir....

Dr. Akanksha Pathania

credihealthVerified DoctorMedical ExpertMedical Expert
Member since 05 February 201931 May 2023 at 09:12

Not if you're at ease and having fun. Haemorrhoids, which are painful bulging veins in the anal area, can develop when there is too much pressure on the anus, such as when you are constipated and stra

Dr. Akanksha Pathania

credihealthVerified DoctorMedical ExpertMedical Expert
Member since 05 February 201931 May 2023 at 09:12

Genital herpes is more stigmatised than cold sores. However, the same herpes simplex virus strains that cause genital blisters can cause cold sores on the lips (as well as the face, chest, and even th

Dr. Akanksha Pathania

credihealthVerified DoctorMedical ExpertMedical Expert
Member since 05 February 201931 May 2023 at 09:12

No, all can work.