
3 Causes of Urinary Incontinence

urinary incontinence is easily cured with medications and lifestyle changes. Here are the 3 Causes of Urinary Incontinence... Nerve Damage..

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Urinary incontinence is when a person's urine leaks out without their knowledge or even trying. It happens by pure accident and can occur to anyone. Although it is more common in women and older people, urinary incontinence is easily cured with medications and lifestyle changes. Here are the 3 Causes of Urinary Incontinence: Bladder control problems are uncomfortable, embarrassing, and can worsen over time if they are left untreated for too long. The physiology behind urinary incontinence is when the muscles around the bladder relax without warning, leaking urine, but there are a few common causes of this condition that many people may not know about. Also read: Top Warning Signs That Someone Needs Mental Health Treatment

Nerve Damage

Some diseases and conditions that result in nerve damage can cause urinary incontinence. Conditions like Parkinson's and multiple sclerosis can affect the bladder as the disease progresses. In some cases, the leaking of urine causes an infection, leading to a neurogenic bladder. This is a serious condition that can cause kidney damage if it is not treated. Urinary continence as a result of nerve damage can be treated with antibiotics and other medication, yet some patients may require surgery. The main objective is to remove or minimise the infection as much as possible and work to strengthen the bladder muscles that have become weak. This can be done with pelvic floor exercises, such as the kegel which is even possible for men to perform. 


Growing old cannot be avoided. As the body ages, all muscles, bones, tendons, and organs start to lose functionality and weaken. It is a natural process of life, but one that can cause urinary incontinence. As the bladder gets older, it cannot hold as much urine and will start to leak. The older a person gets, the more often involuntary bladder contractions occur that just cannot be controlled. It is for this reason that care homes for the elderly use bed pads to cover and protect the sheets and mattress from urine leakage. The most popular types of beds to assist with this are eco-friendly bed pads. Even for young infants, these bed pads are useful for any parents trying to potty train them. It may not be considered urinary incontinence for the child because they are still learning how to control their bladders.

Pregnancy and Childbirth

A woman's body goes through significant biological changes during pregnancy. During these nine months, the hormones change to accommodate the growing baby. This adds weight which can put pressure on the mother's bladder causing urinary incontinence. It mostly occurs from the second trimester but can start earlier if the baby is heavier. Even after childbirth, this problem can continue, due to the weakened vaginal and bladder muscles from the delivery. In some instances, this causes a prolapsed pelvic organ in which the woman won't have much control. Surgery may be required, but most women just need rest and some exercise to build those muscles up again. Urinary incontinence is not something to be feared. It can be easily treated and controlled with medications, and most causes of this condition are completely out of a person's control.