
4 Acupressure Points For Gas and Bloating That You Didn't Know About

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Are you feeling bloated and uncomfortable after meals? Well, you are not alone here! Bloating is common for many but thanks to Acupressure! A natural technique for relieving various health concerns without the need for needles. Acupressure works by gently pressing specific points on the body to help restore balance and promote well-being. 

Therefore, before we look into the acupressure points for gas and bloating, let us understand the theory of acupressure first. Read the article!

Understanding Acupressure

Acupressure is considered a relaxation procedure that functions the same as a principle of acupuncture.

  • The idea of acupressure focuses on the process where the life energy flows via the term "meridians" present in the body.

  • These so-called "meridians" are sometimes victims of certain blockages of energy.

  • Acupressure emerges as highly effective during this stage as it might help open the blockages.

  • Pressure can be applied using the hands or some acupressure devices.

Also read about: Difference Between Acupressure & Acupuncture

4 Acupressure Points For Gas & Bloating

According to research, acupressure is extremely effective in the treatment of health conditions. Those conditions include nausea, body aches, gas, vomiting, and several other issues. One study reports that excessive gas is one of the common symptoms of bloating. Well, bloating is an unusual gas swelling or increase in abdominal area diameter. This leads to a feeling of fullness and tight abdominal pain along with the stomach making growling sounds. If you are tired of such situations and want to know how to avoid them, here are some acupressure points to relieve gas and bloating. Take a look!

Certain acupressure points for gas and bloating relief may include:

acupressure points for gas in stomach

  • The points of acupressure for bloating are located in the middle section of the body.
  • The first point is the part above the naval (center of energy).

  • The second part is the opposite as it is below the navel (sea of energy).

  • The acupressure for gas and bloating that has been mentioned above is very important to get relief from this problem.

Also Read: How Do I Get Unbloated in 5 minutes?

2. Lower Back Points

acupressure points for gas of Lower Back Points

  • Lower back points are specifically the areas located on the side of the lower part of the body’s back.
  • The 4 acupressure points for gas and bloating lie on the lower back at the level of the waist.

  • We have to acupuncture these points with the appropriate intensity to get relief from indigestion, gassy feeling, and abdominal pain.

Caution: Individuals with back issues or not strong back should avoid this therapy.

3. Hand Points

acupressure points for gas of hand points

  • The acupressure points for gas and bloating also lie on the hand - which is located on the backside of the wrist. Those gas points in hand are known as Inner Gate points.

  • To treat stomach aches, nausea, bloating, and gas, we need to apply gentle and mild pressure on the provided acupressure points on the hand.

  • This also helps in eliminating stress.

4. Leg Three Miles

acupressure points for gas of leg three miles

The name of this point is quite peculiar. It is derived from the fact that the points can reinforce our energy and can enable people to walk three miles easily when they are exhausted. To find this point:

  • We need to slightly bend the leg.

  • Then, we need to put 4 fingers below our kneecap.

  • We should start with the kneecap base with an assist from our index fingers.

  • The point exists where our little finger rests on the outer side of the skinbone.

  • It is advisable to apply light pressure to all the provided acupressure points.

  • We should remember to make sure that we should elevate every level of pressure and press deeper at every point.

  • This acupressure point for gas and bloating is a very effective spot as we can enhance our overall energy, boost our immune system, and improve our digestion.

Acupressure can solve various problems, including that of back pain. The above four points help with how to remove gas from the stomach instantly or how to relieve gas pain.

You can also read about Acupressure Points for Back Pain.

Remember: Acupressure Points Massage

The following are the factors to remember while performing acupressure points massage:

  • Massage: Massage the body part that is deepest in a circular direction which may help to provide a great relief.

  • Applying oil: Using oil while doing acupressure is very important. This is because oil helps to massage the right point. The one essential thing is that it can be applied after the acupressure treatment is done.

  • Effective positions: We have to lie down in a comfortable and relaxing position, close our eyes, and take a deep breath while performing acupressure.

Assist or a helping hand: If during this process, we face any problem or we cannot do it by ourselves, then, we can ask a friend or someone to assist us in this relaxing and pain-relieving therapy.

Do Acupressure Points for Gas and Bloating Work?

Yes, acupressure points really work to relieve bloating and gas. They reduce stomach pain and ease discomfort. In one clinical trial, experts examine the acupressure effects on 70 hemodialysis patients. During this period, all these patients have undergone acupressure treatment three times a week. This procedure continues for a total of 4 weeks. The experts find that stomach acupressure points relieve gas and improve bowel function.

Are There Any Risks to Acupressure for Gas and Bloating?

No, there are no downsides as it is significantly a safe practice. However, if you are living with chronic pain and bleeding disorders, or are pregnant, seek medical guidance first. Some acupressure points can affect your specific medical conditions and even induce labor. When performing acupressure, use gentle pressure. Excessive pressure especially on sensitive body parts may lead to bruising or pain.

Home Remedies For Gas and Bloating

With acupressure, you can also try other home remedies:

  • Consume fiber-rich foods: They ease the food movement through the digestive tract which prevents constipation.

  • Drink a lot of water: It helps get rid of toxins out of the body. Additionally, it releases gas through the intestine.

  • Eat smaller meals: This prevents overeating and reduces the chances of gas and bloating.

  • Take probiotics and prebiotics: These feed you gut bacteria, helping run your gut smoothly.

  • Eliminate food intolerances: If your body can't tolerate certain foods, avoid them. Food intolerance can contribute to gas and bloating.

  • Eat slowly: Eating quickly leads to the intake of excessive air that can develop gas in the stomach. So, eat slowly to reduce bloating.

  • Try ginger tea: For many years, ginger has been considered the best home remedy for indigestion and nausea.

  • Avoid caffeine: Caffeine triggers your nervous system and causes bloating & gas. So, avoid energy drinks, tea, coffee, and soda as they are rich in caffeine.

  • Practice exercise: Exercising regularly helps improve digestion which, in turn, relieves gas.

When to see a doctor?

Though it's rare, sometimes bloating and gas can indicate other health conditions. If you develop these symptoms along with bloating, see a doctor:

  • appetite changes

  • severe stomach pain

  • difficult eating

  • weight loss

  • diarrhea

  • vomiting

  • fever

  • bright red bloody stool

Summing Up

The acupressure points for gas and bloating can be helpful against ineffective habits such as consumption of improper foods, and irregular types of eating. This practice is a proven therapy to treat such digestive issues as it has been a part of traditional Chinese medicine theory since ancient times. Although there is no physical verifiable proof of the existence of acupressure or meridians, it is still a healing relief for many problems. Moreover, keep in mind that gas can be a very frustrating problem and can impact your overall health. Therefore, always learn some effective ways to get rid of gas pain or how to keep your stomach healthy and clean.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the acupressure points for instant gas relief?

Roughly 4 inches above the navel are the acupressure points for immediate gas relief. Massage evenly using your 2 or 3 fingers in a circular direction for a quick gas release.

What are the main acupressure points for gas relief on hand?

The thumb base or the part between the index finger and thumb at the back of your hand are the acupressure points for gas release in hand.

What is the pressure point for stomach ache?

An inch below your navel part on the midline of your abdominal area is the pressure point for relieving stomach pain.

What are the pressure points to relieve gas?

Pressure points around your abdominal area like Stomach 36 and Large Intestine 4 are the main areas that may relieve gas. Just apply firm pressure on these points.

What are the acupressure points on hand for gas?

The thumb base and area between your index finger and thumb on the back side are the gas acupressure points in hand.

Where are the gas release points in hand?

The gas release points in hand are located in the center of the wrist, the area between your index finger and thumb on the back side, and the thumb base. Use another hand’s thumb to gently massage these points to get relief from stomach pain and nausea.