
Food And Mental Health: How What You Eat Affects Your Well Being

Food and mental health are significantly linked because it cheers your mood up when you eat good food. Find out how what you eat affects your wellbeing;

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Are you a foodieWell, so am I. but, why do we love eating so much?That's because when we eat, we forget a lot of our problems, and our taste buds help us divert our focus to the quality of the meal. Thus, eating is often regarded as a significant way to improve your mental health.I mean, think about it. Why do people seek refuge in drug abuse and alcohol abuse? They stay depressed and find substance abuse a way to vent their anger,Nevertheless, if they shift their preferences a little and try eating when they are sad, it will impact their wellbeing noticeably.Let's find out how. But, if you want more information, get it now by checking the website of Ocean Recovery. 

Food And Mood-The Scientific Connection

Your brain and your gastrointestinal tract share an intimate relationship, which is why your food habits change your mood significantly. This is why your gastrointestinal tract is often called the 'Second Brain.'Billions of bacteria inhibit inside your GI tract. Thus, they influence the production of chemical substances, neurotransmitters that carry messages from your stomach to your brain. For example, serotonin and dopamine are parts of the brain's reward system, making you happy.When you eat healthy food, you promote the growth of good bacteria, which automatically influences neurotransmitter production. On the other hand, if your diet consists of junk and fast food, it will cause inflammation hampering neurotransmitter production. It means, when your neurotransmitter stays in good shape, it will receive positive messages from all around you. However, when the production goes awry, your brain will focus on the negativities around you. For example, if you are addicted to sugary beverages, it will increase inflammation and feed the harmful bacteria inside your GI tract. However, it can also temporarily help in dopamine secretion, but that feeling won't last very long. 

How What You Eat Affects Your Well Being?

The relationship between what we eat and how we feel is indeed complex. However, this is certain, and that is our diet impacts our brain one way or another.You certainly know that some foods can make you feel better, and yup, we are talking about junk food. However, they are not at all healthy, and when you eat unhealthy food, it doesn't let your conscience slide for much longer.For example, eating a Mediterranean diet with lots of seafood, veggies, herbs, olive oil, grain, cereal will scientifically make you feel good. This is because fish oil reduces the symptoms of anxiety and depression, and that is how your gut will control the way you feel.If you are depressed, you can either eat faster than average or eat slower than the average speed. Nevertheless, if you want to focus more on your wellbeing, you should probably include veggies, beans, fruits, and probiotics in your diet. On the contrary, some foods trick your brain into feeling happy, whereas they increase your chances of being unhealthy. For example, chocolate and caffeine supposedly relax us, but they are harmful to our minds as they keep us awake and increase our calorie intake.

Which Foods Are Good For Perfect Health?

Incorporating good food on your platter is one of the best-proven ways to protect your mental health. If you don't eat healthily, you will soon require mental health treatment, which may not be a suitable and affordable strategy for everyone.Let's find out the foods that are good for perfect health:

1: Whole Foods

Recent research shows that additives, preservatives, and food colors can cause hyperactivity in people, which leads to depression. This is why you should always eat whole food. Whole food refers to naturally processed food with a few healthy ingredients, such as fresh veggies and fruits.

2: Fiber

If you want to eat fiber, you should eat lots of vegetables because they are the powerhouse of fiber. It also helps your body absorb glucose more slowly, and thus you don't get the sugar rush anymore. So, for example, whole grains,  fruits, vegetables, and nutrient-filled carbs like beans are good foods to eat fiber.

3: Antioxidant

Antioxidants are inflammation fighters. You can find them in plenty if you eat berries, leafy green veggies, turmeric, black chia seeds, salmon, and food that is at risk from Omega 3 Fatty acids. Even sugar and dark chocolate contain antioxidants, but you have to maintain moderation while eating them due to their adverse impacts. 

4: Vitamin B

If you eat cantaloupes, leafy green veggies, and lentils, you will consume ample Vitamin B, which will in turn help in dopamine secretion. Unlike sugar that tricks your mind into being happy, vitamin B genuinely cheers your mind up, so it's a safe option to protect your mental health.

5: Vitamin D

You must know that vitamin D helps in the production of serotonin, and the best source to get it is to stand under the sunlight. However, eating mushrooms such as reishi, cordyceps, and maitake also help in consuming vitamin D, and if you don't like any of these, you can always take doctor-prescribed supplements. 

6: Magnesium

If you want your heart to stay strong and your nerves and muscles to function correctly, you must eat food that is rich in magnesium. If your diet doesn't contain enough potassium, it will cause anxiety and depression. This is why you must eat foods like cacao nibs, dark chocolate, cashews, almonds, dark leafy greens, spinach, beans, and bananas.

7: Fermented Food

If you eat fermented food, it will contain enough probiotics, and thus it will help good bacteria inhibit your GI tract. The fermented drink, Kombucha, kimchi, miso, sauerkraut, tempeh are some examples of fermented food. They are also high in sodium, so it will stabilize your blood pressure as well.


The connection between good food and mental health is undeniable, but it helps you stay on track with a healthy diet when you understand the scientific relationship. So follow this article, and start including the recommended food items in your diet. If you want to know more about it, ask us in the comment box below.
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