
How Many Calories Do Calisthenics Exercises Burn?

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Engaging in calisthenics exercises is a fantastic way to boost fitness levels, enhance flexibility, and increase muscle strength without needing gym equipment. These bodyweight exercises are not only convenient and accessible but also efficient in burning calories.

However, the amount of calories burned can vary widely based on several factors.

Understanding Caloric Burn

Caloric burn refers to the number of calories your body uses to perform any physical activity, from intense exercises to essential bodily functions like breathing and maintaining body temperature.

Calisthenics, which encompasses a range of bodyweight exercises, can be particularly effective for caloric burn because they engage several muscle groups at the same time, leading to higher energy expenditure.

Common Calisthenics Exercises and Their Caloric Burn

Calisthenics exercises are a staple for those looking to build strength and endurance or maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here's a closer look at some popular calisthenics exercises and the average calories they can help you burn. If you have plans to set up a home calisthenics gym, here are some of the workouts you can do:


Pushups work a broad range of muscles, including the pectoral muscles (chest), deltoids (shoulders), triceps (back of the arms), and core muscles, making them an all-encompassing upper-body workout.

Beyond muscle strengthening, pushups help improve posture by strengthening the back and core muscles. They also enhance muscular endurance and can be tailored to align with different fitness levels and goals.

To increase the challenge, try variations like decline pushups (feet elevated) to emphasize the shoulders and upper chest or diamond pushups (hands close together) to target the triceps more intensely. On average, performing pushups can burn between 7-10 calories per minute, depending on the individual's pace and intensity.


Pullups primarily engage the latissimus dorsi (the largest muscle of the back), as well as the biceps, triceps, shoulders, and chest muscles. They are exceptional for developing upper body strength and muscle definition.

They improve grip strength, which benefits other exercises and daily activities. Pullups also promote functional strength, improving performance in sports and tasks that involve pulling or lifting.

Focus on a full range of motion, from a complete hang to the chin above the bar, to engage the muscles thoroughly. Experiment with grip width and style (e.g., overhand, underhand) to target different muscle groups.

The average caloric burn for pull-ups ranges from 8-12 calories per minute, influenced by body weight and the number of repetitions.


Squats are a comprehensive lower body exercise targeting the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, lower back, and calves. They strengthen and tone the lower body, improve flexibility in the hips and lower back, enhance balance, and promote bone density, which is crucial for overall health.

When doing squats, keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight. To increase the intensity, add jump squats into your routine or hold a weight to add resistance. This exercise can burn about 8-10 calories per minute, with variations like jump squats increasing the caloric expenditure due to the added intensity.


Lunges focus on the quadriceps but also work the glutes, hamstrings, calves, and core muscles, offering a dynamic lower-body workout. Lunges are great for improving balance, stability, and coordination. They also help correct imbalances between the legs, as each leg is worked independently.

Ensure your front knee does not exceed your toes during the lunge to prevent injury. For added challenges, try walking lunges or incorporate weights. They can help burn approximately 9-12 calories per minute, with factors such as lunge variations and added weights affecting the total calories burned.


Planks are a core strengthening exercise that engages the shoulders, arms, and glutes. While planks are more about endurance than caloric burn, they can still help burn around 2-5 calories per minute, depending on the individual's body weight and plank duration.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are a high-impact cardiovascular exercise that helps improve heart health while burning calories. You can expect to burn about 8-16 calories per minute, depending on the intensity of the workout.

Factors Enhancing Caloric Burn

Several factors influence caloric burn during calisthenics workouts. Increasing workout intensity boosts calorie expenditure, while longer sessions naturally burn more calories. Individuals with higher muscle mass burn calories faster, even at rest, due to muscles requiring more energy to maintain.

Additionally, varying your exercises and incorporating different variations can enhance caloric burn by challenging your muscles in new ways, leading to more effective workouts and increased calorie expenditure.

Key Takeaways

Calisthenics exercises offer a versatile, effective, and accessible way to burn calories and enhance overall fitness. Here are some key points to remember:

  • Caloric burn from calisthenics varies based on exercise, intensity, and individual body composition.
  • Pushups, pullups, squats, lunges, planks, and jumping jacks are popular exercises that can help increase your daily caloric expenditure.
  • Factors such as workout intensity, duration, and muscle mass significantly influence the number of calories burned.
  • Incorporating various exercises and maintaining a consistent workout routine is crucial for maximizing caloric burn and achieving fitness goals.

Embracing calisthenics into your fitness regime can be a powerful way to burn calories, build muscle, and improve your overall health without expensive gym equipment.

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