
Life After Liver Transplant

Life after liver transplant is a slow and gradual process that can take from 3-6 months before one is up and going. Read more here.

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Life after liver transplant is a critical surgery that brings a lot of changes in life after a liver transplant. Recovery itself is a slow and gradual process that can take from 3-6 months before one is up and going. In this article, we will look at what are the impending changes in life after a liver transplant and how to take care of yourself. Also, visit our liver clinic.

  • After the kidneys, the liver is the most commonly transplanted organ in the world.
  • The survival rate of people with liver transplants has bolstered with a one-year survival rate of 90% and a five-year survival rate of 80%.
  • Though the survival rate has gone up, liver transplant still remains a treatment and not a cure.
  • People who take care of themselves continue to lead a normal healthy life many years after liver transplant.

A liver transplant is usually done in patients with end-stage liver disease when that is the only option left. The surgery itself takes between 4-12 hours. After the surgery, the condition of the patient has to be closely monitored.

Stay in ICU and Hospital

For the first few days post-surgery you'll have to stay in the intensive care unit (ICU) where a team of specialist doctors will closely monitor your condition around the clock. It may seem a little frightening there with all the tubes and machines but be rest assured they are kept there to help you function better and for your quick recovery.

Post-surgery, you may need some assistance for breathing, therefore, you'll be put on artificial ventilators which will later be replaced with an oxygen mask as soon as you resume proper breathing. A tube will be inserted through your nose and into your stomach to provide you with nutrients and fluid. Immediately after the surgery, you will are bound to experience some pain. Therefore will be administered pain killers which are likely to make you feel drowsy.

Most people are able to shift from ICU to the normal ward within a week and they can leave the hospital within 2-3 weeks. Since during this period you'll be prone to infections, the visits from your family and friends will be kept to the bare minimum.

Also, Read What Foods are Good for Liver Repair?

Risk of Rejection After Liver Transplant

One of the biggest risks of a liver transplant is that your body's immune system may not recognize the new organ and thinking it's an external body, began to attack it with antibodies. This is called rejection.

Life After Liver Transplant

Liver Transplant is one of the major surgery which needs proper care. Let us discuss life after a liver transplant:

Take medications throughout life

To control this risk of rejection, you'll be put on immunosuppressants which are drugs that curb the immune system. The dose will be higher in the initial 3-4 months when the risk is high and is gradually decreased over the next few months. There will be other drugs to reduce the risk of infection, bleeding and other complications.

Unpleasant side effects of immunosuppressant drugs

Immunosuppressants are known to cause high blood pressure, tremors, mood swings, muscle weakness, and weight gain. Even though these side effects may bother you and interfere with your normal routine, you should never stop taking them because they may create bigger problems.

Going for regular checkups

How is your body adapting to the new liver has to be constantly monitored by the transplant team? You may be regularly called for blood tests even two or three times a week in the early stages. Depending on your progress, your hospital visits will decrease and become more spaced out.

Getting Back to the Normal Routine

Adhere to the diet chart given by the dietician and exercise regime set by the physiotherapist to aid in a speedy recovery and stay healthier even after. Wait, till your doctor tells you to. There is no need to rush. Seek a doctor's permission to drive, go to the gym, start a sport, or for anything else.

Points To Remember!

  • Never miss your medicines
  • Tell your doctor about any unusual symptoms as small as itching
  • Don't postpone follow-up visits and blood tests
  • In case you need treatment for any other condition or wish to take any physical activity, always inform your doctor and the concerned person that you've undergone a liver transplant.
  • Check with a dietician on what you can eat and whatnot. Stick to it.
  • A strict NO to alcohol and smoking

Most people get back to leading a normal healthy life after a liver transplant and feel better than they ever did before. With good medical assistance, family support, and a positive attitude, we are sure you will too!

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