
Top 5 Super Food For Bones Health | Healthy Bones

Super Food For Bones Health - While managing broken and hurting bones is difficult, keeping them healthy isn't. Read more about Super Food!

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Food For Bones Health - While all the organs and body systems are equally important for our survival, the skeletal system is what keeps everything in place: it protects all the organs, gives form to the body and enables to move, walk and run. But not like all the other body parts, bones start to age too. As they get weaker, they get brittle and may break easily (osteoporosis). While managing broken and hurting bones is difficult, keeping them healthy isn't. Here is all you have to eat to ensure healthy bones. 

Super Food For Bones Health (Healthy Bones)

 A top orthopedic doctor at PSRI Hospital in Delhi suggests these 5 Superfoods  to keep your bones happy and healthy.

Super Food For Bones Health

#1. Sesame Seeds

Sesame Seeds "Tiny, but mighty," these words perfectly describe Sesame seeds. High in calcium, copper, vitamin B1, magnesium, zinc and fiber, sesame seeds are some of the healthiest foods in the world. They also help in dissolving the plaque formed on tooth enamel. Being a rich source of Zinc, that plays a significant role preventing osteoporosis, sesame seeds are also considered very beneficial for those who are already suffering from the disease.

#2. Orange Juice

Although not well known, there is a deep connection between bone strength and the intake of Vitamin C since it helps in the development of connective tissues, including bones. As it assists in the production of Collagen, it also helps increase bone mineral density. Research also suggests that people with lower levels of Vitamin C , have a higher risk of bone damage.

#3. Salmon

One of the best sources of Omega-3 and Calcium, Salmon is also rich in Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Protein, Phosphorus and Potassium and hence reduces your chances of getting osteoporosis (a condition in which bones become brittle and fragile, resulting in changed posture and fractures). Another lesser known fact is that our bodies need Vitamin D to absorb all the calcium we receive from our food, this is also why Salmon is considered great for bone health.  Food For Bones Health

#4. Spinach

Low in calories and high in calcium, iron and protein, Spinach is definitely a superfood for your bones. One important thing to remember, however, is to eat the spinach with foods that help you absorb that calcium (for example, cheese). It is a well known fact that deficiency in Vitamin K is responsible for frequent bone fractures. Being a good source of the Vitamin, spinach ensures strong and healthy bones.

#5. Milk and Milk Products

Since a young age, all of us have been taught that that having milk regularly will lead to healthy bones and this is not without reason. While animal protein is acidic in nature and should be avoided by those with milk allergies and who often struggle with indigestion; others should consume milk and yogurt regularly to keep their bones and bodies healthy. List of trusted & experienced Orthopedic Doctors in India from top Hospitals  Delhi | Gurgaon | Kolkata | Mumbai | Hyderabad | Bangalore | Chennai

[caption align="alignleft" width="170"]Credihealth Credihealth - India's No.1 Medical Assistance company[/caption] This write-up was contributed by Credihealth content team: Credihealth is India's No.1 Medical Assistance company. Credihealth gives guidance to a patient from the first consultation through the entire hospitalization process. A team of in-house doctors helps the patient find the right doctor, book appointment, request cost estimate for procedures and manage admission & discharge processes. Share your comments and queries below and we will be happy to guide you through. Get FREE medical assistance to select the best Orthopedist in India from trusted hospitals.