
The best natural remedies for hair loss

Hair loss can happen to anyone, and there are numerous reasons for it. Be it stress and anxiety, an illness, or maybe its hereditary, no-one wants to deal with losing their hair. 

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Losing our hair is something most of us hope we never have to deal with. Despite it being much more common than you think, there is still something of a stigma surrounding the issue. Hair loss can happen to anyone, and there are numerous reasons for it.  Be it stress and anxiety, an illness, or maybe it's hereditary, no-one wants to deal with losing their hair.  There are lotions and potions, tattoos, surgeries and all manner of other solutions to your hair loss problems, but are there any natural remedies for hair loss?

What are the first signs?

There are some early indicators that you may be dealing with hair loss, or it may become an issue in the future.  You (or someone else) could notice that your hairline is receding, or you have some broken hairs around your forehead.  Maybe there is a slow growing, but ever-expanding bald patch, or more hair than usual on your comb or in the shower.  You may be dealing with hair that is thinning all over, in which case you will be interested in natural remedies for thinning hair.

Tips to hold back hair loss

       1.Self-care for Hair Loss

We don't always recognise the changes in our mental health.  This could be a contributing factor to hair loss, amongst other reasons.  Therefore, we might not realise that we are becoming more anxious until there is a noticeable physical change.  If we are unwell, and hair loss is a side effect, then taking care of yourself is so important.  Recovery will be quicker, and this will be reflected in your outward appearance, including a healthy head of hair. There is a definite, scientific link between an increase in stress levels and hair loss.  For this reason, it is vital that you consider your mental health to be as important as your physical health.  Make self-care part of your daily life.  Recognising your stress triggers and dealing with them before they take hold is one of the best natural remedies for hair loss. 

       2.Exercise to fight hair loss

You'll never hear anyone tell you that exercise isn't good for you.  Not only does it promote a healthy physical state, it also contributes to feelings of well being.  Exercise  is known to trigger a release of dopamine and serotonin, which in turn helps to improve mood.  This has the knock on effect of reducing anxiety and stress related issues, both of which are known to contribute to hair loss. Other positive side effects of exercise include improving blood flow to the scalp and reducing cortisol levels.  These can both act as natural remedies for hair loss, in conjunction with the other suggestions here.  Try to fit exercise into your weekly routine - make it an essential part of your lifestyle and consider it as important as getting enough food and water. It's imperative that you get enough sleep every night too, in order to keep the body well rested. 

       3.Does a good diet help prevent hair loss?

Your diet is important regardless of whether hair loss is becoming an issue.  It fuels the body and allows you to carry out everyday tasks, but more than that, it feeds the mind too.  The correlation between what we eat and how we feel both physically and mentally is well known.  It stands to reason that this will help determine our mood, but it will also contribute to maintaining a healthy body and having a positive effect on our appearance.   Aside from keeping our bodies in trim, it also has an impact on our skin, nails and hair.  Drinking water is known to support healthy hair growth, as well as preventing split ends.  Most importantly though is that nutritional deficiencies will increase the chances of thinning hair.  In particular, a diet low in iron can bring about this unfortunate consequence. Prevention is always better than cure, and this applies when you're looking for natural remedies for hair loss.  Tackle the potential issue before it becomes a much bigger problem.  

        4.Will natural remedies help combat hair loss?

With so many opportunities to experiment with our appearance it can be difficult to avoid excessive use of styling tools and products.  In order to keep the hair and scalp as healthy as possible, take care to avoid using styling tools with too high a heat setting.  Bleach and other chemicals are something to use sparingly too, as they contribute to weakening the hair. These days there is such a wide selection of natural hair products available that you should be able to achieve the results you want by using more natural remedies for thinning hair.  Bear in mind that early detection is important and will reap the best results. Recognising thinning hair at the early stages will be more effective when you're relying on natural remedies for hair loss. Although it's not possible to regrow hair on bald patches using natural remedies, these products can effectively improve the appearance of existing hair, making it appear thicker and fuller. You'll be able to choose from a variety of product forms, mostly shampoos, conditioners and serums. 

        5.What about other options?

If you are looking for something a bit more permanent and noticeable, then maybe a trip to Enhance Hair Restoration is what you need to consider.  They offer both surgical and non surgical options, giving patients a wider choice of treatments to suit their individual requirements. Hair transplant procedures (FUE and FUT) are a great way to restore your lost hair permanently. Although this is not considered a natural remedy, if you have exhausted all other options, and you are still not satisfied with the results, this is one way to ensure a successful transformation.  There are some things in life that are inevitable, but that doesn't mean we can't do our bit to help ourselves. Hair loss is a sensitive subject, and the experts understand that well. Looking after yourself physically and mentally will put you in the best position to cope with challenges like hair loss. There is effective treatment out there, both before and after hair loss has taken hold. Whether you prefer to choose natural remedies for hair loss, or you opt for a surgical procedure, be patient and keep your expectations realistic. 
Categorized into General Health, Skin Conditions
Tagged in Diet, Exercise