
Prevention of Dengue Fever: Food to Eat and Avoid

Are you suffer from dengue, read this to know how to take care of yourself, and 'what to eat in dengue". Also, about the signs, symptoms, and treatment.

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Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disorder that swiftly unfolded in all WHO areas in recent years. Dengue fever incidences have increased significantly worldwide over the past decades. The dengue virus spreads via the mosquito bite on humans. Only a few mosquito species are dengue virus transmitters. Although much less common, a few humans increase intense dengue, which may be any wide variety of headaches related to intense bleeding, organ impairment, and plasma leakage. Patients diagnosed with dengue should carefully select their diet to help quick recovery. The article focuses on foods if you suffer from dengue, how to take care of yourself, and 'what to eat in dengue". Also, this will guide you about the signs, symptoms, and treatment of dengue fever.                

What are the 4-stages of dengue fever?

Dengue is a serious disease that can be life-threatening sometimes. Every day, hundreds of patients are admitted to various hospitals with symptoms of this disease.Dengue begins suddenly following an unusual incubation period of 5-7 days, and the course follows 3 phases: febrile, critical, and convalescent.

Does dengue need hospitalization?

According to doctors, Most dengue cases are managed in the hospital's outpatient clinics; only the most severe cases require hospitalization or inpatient care. The World Health Organisation WHO has launched an advisory on the signs and symptoms in sufferers that must cause hospitalization.Book an Appointment with the best Dengue Doctor in India.

What to eat in dengue?

A dengue patient is often recommended to eat lightly for better digestion. A dengue patient is often recommended to eat lightly for better digestion. Here are some answers to your question, "What to eat in dengue for a quick recovery?

Papaya leaves :

Many research scholars have discovered that papaya leaves play a key role in combating this dengue disease. The food for Dengue helps to increase platelet counts, which ultimately fall to low levels in a dengue patient. 
  • It is done by taking the papaya in half and cutting it into small pieces.
  • Add a cup of orange pulp with lemon juice.
  • One tablespoon of honey and sprinkle pepper powder, and blend the contents.
  • Finally, consume naturally.

A mix of herbs :

Many fitness practitioners advocate everyday intake of Tulsi, Ashwagandha, Ginger, Giloy (an Ayurvedic herb), and Aloe Vera to manipulate the unfolding of the disease. Many docs suggest the consumption of amla, as it's far wealth in Vitamin C. 

Pomegranates :

The fruit is Loaded with critical minerals and nutrients. This marvel fruit offers the frame an enormous rush of energy. Thus, it performs a vital function in decreasing fatigue and tiredness that ordinary dengue-affected persons experience. Since those vibrant purple seeds also are a wealthy supply of iron, they are used resources in preserving a mean blood platelet count.

Coconut water :

[caption align="aligncenter" width="800"]What to eat in dengue what to eat in dengue[/caption] Dengue normally results in dehydration. Thus, it's immensely useful to devour coconut water loaded with electrolytes and crucial nutrients. In many cases, ginger water is likewise suggested because it enables to fight nausea that many dengue sufferers experience.

Turmeric :

What to eat in dengueAs an antiseptic and metabolism booster, many docs advise turmeric intake with milk. It enables quicker recovery. 

Fenugreek :

What to eat in dengueFenugreek or methi is thought to set off sleep and acts as a slight tranquilizer that aids in easing pain. It is likewise recognized as stabilizing the excessive fever that may be a not unusual dengue symptom.

Orange :

What to eat in dengueA wealthy blend of antioxidants and Vitamin C, orange, and its juice additionally allow for treatment and disposal of the dengue virus. The Food for Dengue can aid in the recovery of your antibodies.

What are the foods to be avoided during dengue fever?

While some foods and drinks might raise your platelet count, others can lower it. The following meals may reduce your platelet count in dengue:
  • Strictly avoid consuming meat products, seafood
  • Stop taking caffeinated beverages
  • Stop taking spicy foods
  • Stop taking to oily and fried foods.

What are the signs and symptoms of dengue fever?

Dengue fever reasons an excessive fever — 104 F (forty C) — and any of the subsequent signs and symptoms :
  • Headache
  • Muscle, bone, or joint pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Swollen glands
  • Rash
Symptom levels will get aggravated when the intensity of the disease increases. The caution signs and symptoms generally start the primary day or after your fever is going away and might include:
  • Severe stomach pain
  • Persistent vomiting
  • Severe bleeding in gums or nose
  • Blood is present in urine, stools, or vomit
  • Bleeding occurs in the skin
  • Difficult to respire
  • Muscle weakness
  • Irritability or restlessness

How can dengue be diagnosed?

Several strategies are used for the prognosis of DENV infection. Depending on the affected person's presentation time, the utility of various diagnostic strategies can be extra or much less appropriate. Patient samples accrued throughout the primary week of infection have to be examined via way of means of each strategy stated below:

Virus isolation methods -

Doctors can remove The virus from the blood throughout the first few days of infection. Various Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) strategies are considered the gold standard.The virus may be detected by checking out for a virus-produced protein known as NS1. There are commercially-produced fast diagnostic exams for this, and it takes only ~20 minutes to decide the result. The check no longer requires specialized laboratory strategies or devices.

Serological methods -

Serological methods, which include enzyme-connected immunosorbent assays (ELISA), can also additionally affirm the presence of a current or beyond contamination with the detection of anti-dengue antibodies. IgM antibodies are detectable 1 week after contamination and continue to be detectable for approximately three months. The presence of IgM is indicative of a current DENV contamination. IgG antibody ranges take longer to broaden and stay within the frame for years. 

How can dengue fever be treated?

There isn't any unique remedy for dengue fever. Patients need to rest, live hydrated, and seek clinical advice. Depending on the medical manifestations and different circumstances, sufferers can be dispatched home, be referred for in-health center management, or require treatment at the hospital.
  • The excellent alternatives to deal with those signs and symptoms are acetaminophen or paracetamol.
  • It will help if you avoid NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pills), ibuprofen, and aspirin. These anti-inflammatory pills act with the aid of thinning the blood, and in an ailment with the hazard of bleeding, blood thinners can also exacerbate the prognosis.

What are the vaccines available against dengue fever?

One dengue vaccine licensed, Dengvaxia® (CYD-TDV), evolved using Sanofi Pasteur.

What preventive measures should be taken to reduce the risk of dengue fever?

There isn't any particular medication to deal with dengue Treatment.
  1. See a healthcare company in case you expand a fever or have signs and symptoms of dengue. 
  2. Rest as a whole lot as possible.
  3. Take acetaminophen (additionally called paracetamol out of doors of the United States) to manipulate fever and relieve pain. 
  4. Drink masses of fluids to live hydrated

Prevention of mosquito breeding:

  • Preventing mosquitoes from having access to egg-laying habitats via way of means of environmental control and modification;
  • Disposing of stable waste nicely and getting rid of synthetic man-made habitats which could preserve water;
  • Covering, emptying, and cleansing of home water garage bins every week;
  • Applying suitable pesticides to water garage doors and bins
Also, Read 8 Food Items To Help Recover From Dengue Faster.Final thoughts - Eating the foods listed above to raise platelets benefits your overall health. These foods possess a remarkable nutritional profile. When malaria or dengue fever causes a significant fall in platelet count, you can add these items to the diet.However, it is essential to consult a doctor or physician before making dietary modifications since this may not be sufficient to increase platelet levels.

FAQ ----------

What juice is best for increasing platelets?Beetroot also protects platelets from free radical damage and helps to increase their quantity. Drinking beetroot juice can significantly increase the number of platelets.What are the preventive measures to be taken for dengue fever?
  • Try wearing protective clothes 
  • Use mosquito repellent
  • Diminish the mosquito habitat
  • Clear off all reassert of stagnant water wherein those mosquitoes breed the most.
What are the other possibilities that dengue can be transmitted?An infected mosquito can later transmit that virus to healthful humans with the aid of biting them. Dengue can't unfold without delay from one man or woman to another, and mosquitoes are essential for transmitting the dengue virus.What to eat for dengue fever?Fruits, papaya leaves, fenugreek, coconut water, and neem leaves are the foods to be consumed more to get the normal platelet count in the blood.What consequences occur in the body once dengue attacks?Severe dengue occurs when your blood vessels end up damaged and leaky. And the wide variety of clot-forming cells (platelets) in your bloodstream drops. It can lead to shock, internal bleeding, organ dysfunction, and fatality.What foods should you avoid in case of dengue fever?Dengue fever impairs digestion, making fat digestion harder for dengue patients. A dengue patient should avoid Spicy meals and  Caffeinated drinks.