Dr. Satish Chandra

Medical ExpertMedical Expert
Team Lead27 November 2018 at 08:56

Dear All, Myelofibrosis & osteopetrosis are two different diseases, According to your symptoms, it points towards Myelofibrosis.  It is a rare form of cancer. Please get in touch with our Me

Dr. Satish Chandra

Medical ExpertMedical Expert
Team Lead27 November 2018 at 09:01

Dear All, There are various types of cancer. Kindly talk to our medical expert on 8010994994 for better assessment and advice.

Dr. Satish Chandra

Medical ExpertMedical Expert
Team Lead25 October 2018 at 09:29

Dear All, The treatment depends on the growth and size of the polyps Does the patient also have Gallstones? Though 95% of the gallbladder polyps are non canceraus.5% above 1CM size would be ....

Dr. Satish Chandra

Medical ExpertMedical Expert
Team Lead25 October 2018 at 09:30

Dear All, The treatment depends on the growth and size of the polyps Does the patient also have Gallstones? Though 95% of the gallbladder polyps are non canceraus.5% above 1CM size would be ....