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    Member since 22 June 201715 December 2017 at 16:02

    No, but. Cancer during pregnancy is not an uncommon thing but cancer itself rarely affects the growing baby directly. The cancers that tend to occur during pregnancy are also more common in younger....

    @22 January 2018 at 09:25

    अनियमित अवधियों (Periods also known as menstrual cycle) को चिकित्सकीय रूप से oligomenorrhea कहा जाता है, जिसे महिलाओं में काफी आम समस्या माना जाता है। वजन घटाने, चिकित्सा की स्थिति और जीवन शैली जैसे क....

    Dr. Akanksha Pathania

    credihealthVerified DoctorMedical ExpertMedical Expert
    Member since 05 February 201931 August 2019 at 12:23

    You should avoid drinking during your periods. Your body is fatigued and already experiencing a lot. If you drink, the chances for a heavier flow increases and will make you more uncomfortable and une

    Dr. Akanksha Pathania

    credihealthVerified DoctorMedical ExpertMedical Expert
    Member since 05 February 201916 October 2019 at 12:23

    Some common side-effects of emergency contraceptive pills are dizziness, nausea, fatigue or headaches, tenderness of the breasts, changes in menses, among others.

    Member since 13 September 201813 September 2018 at 22:48

    Hey, I was having the same problem. I switched to The Moms CO acidity relief tea and it helped me a lot to give relief to my acidity. It calmed my ingestion.

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health31 July 2018 at 09:19

    Any additional symptoms? Cough/cold/vaginal discharge/itching in the vaginal area/any signs of infection? How high did the fever go and what have you been taking to subside it? Fever at this sta....

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health07 August 2018 at 09:22

    Please define the frequency here. As in how many times in a day?  Most people urinate 6-8 times in a day but in summers, since we consume more water, 10 times a day should not be worrisome.  I wou....

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health20 August 2018 at 13:03

    Toddler at 14 months can only say monosyllables like ba ba, da da, ka ka. So you need not worry.

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health20 August 2018 at 13:00

    This is because of a blocked milk duct in your breast. Because of lack of active breast feeding, the milk ducts tend to get blocked, causing excruciating pain and turning out to be cystic lumps in fut....

    Member since 13 September 201815 September 2018 at 22:33

    I was using The Moms Co nourishing feeds tea which helped me in increasing my breast milk within 2-3 days and I loved it. It was caffeine free and was natural made of herbs and flowers. I loved it. 

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health29 August 2018 at 10:51

    Menstrual cycles take almost a year or more to normalize after pregnancy and breastfeeding. Please visit your OBGYN and get an ultrasound to see if there are any adhesions which might cause often/irre

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health08 September 2018 at 12:37

    a baby should be exclusively on breast feeding for first 6 months of life. start giving daal ka paani and khichdi after 6 months but continue with breast feeding as well.

    Dr. Nimrat Kaur

    credihealthVerified Doctor
    MBBS and Masters of Public Health08 September 2018 at 12:37

    you had periods right after your delivery? what was the date after delivery when your period started?