
Here is the answer to post pregnancy weight problem

Archana Shah, nutrition expert helps answer popular post pregnancy weight questions by our New Moms Club members.

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Archana Shah, the founder of "Healthy U" - an online weight loss and lifestyle management program helps answer popular questions by our New Moms Club members. Archana specializes in weight loss with post pregnancy belly, diabetes, thyroid, PCOD and blood pressure.

No diet plan works on me anymore! And there is no way I can an active lifestyle! The dietitians who helped me loose oodles of weight before the same dietitians cant really give results now. Maybe the reason is sedentary lifestyle! No clue what to do!

Expert says Please don'ht be disheartened.. to lose weight I can say diet plays 80% role and exercise plays 20% role. Have your breakfast within an hour of waking up and last mean at least 2 hours before you sleep. Do portion control. Have green tea 2 cups a day.

I'm 2 month post delivery. Want to desperately start getting in shape specially my belly and thighs. Want to lose up to 5 kgs and tone my body. Also have severe joint pains. Please help. I also have thyroid problem.

Expert says This is the right time to opt healthy eating habit which also helps to you enhance the milk quality and quantity. Start with healthy breakfast and increase your water intake, this do help in water retention after pregnancy. and also decrease your salt intake

I'm a mother of 8 months old. I want to reduce weight and I want a flat belly. What is the most effective measure?

Expert says There is no single diet chart for everyone.. To plan a specific diet we do collect lot of information like height, weight, food frequency, digestive history, medical history, likes, dislike, lifestyle, eating habits.. Remember one thing to follow a diet it should be personalized according to person's body type and not generalized..

  • Starting with there is no pills or powder or shake which can help you to lose weight in a healthy way.
  • To lose weight eat an hour within walking up and dinner at least 2 hours before you sleep.
  • avoiding eating anything after dinner.
  • Breakfast should be your king size have good complex carbohydrates and protein rich.
  • Eat every 2 hours small frequent meal do help in weight loss..And do not overeat.. One can come to ideal body weight with few lifestyle modification.. Have green tea only 2 cups a day.
  • For exercise I would say diet plays 80 % role and exercise plays 20 % role in losing weight.. Personal advise on gym.. You should not make your body habituated with machines rather do simple walk or surya namaskar or planks. So only with Healthy eating one can lose weight.

To be able to eat within 1 hour of waking up is difficult because I wake up around 630 am, send my kid to school, then get the house cleaned under my supervision and then go to the gym by 9, come back, have bath and leave for office 1130..which is when I get a chance to peacefully eat something. I know pre and post work out meal is important but how do I manage it? So my only question is do I eat breakfast before going to gym? If yes then is exercising advisable just before exercising?

Expert says You can at least have a fruit when you wake up.. breakfast depends on the quality of nutrients and your post meal also should be within 30 min of gym other wise your muscle will break down and so you will lose important and rich nutrient protein from your body.

My daughter is 5 months and have almost reached the pre pregnancy weight except the belly n heavy breasts. Having a little hair fall but I'm taking a healthy diet and try be active all the time. Give me some good exercise plan and diet suggestions to reduce those problem areas. I had an emergency c-sec as d baby had double cord n was in feral distress.

Expert says Have diet rich in protein for hair loss also remember one thing to lose weight diet plays 80% role and exercise plays 20% role. in exercise you can do walk, surya amskar and planks these will help you a lot

Any reviews on infused water? Does it help in weight loss. Also could u suggest some smoothies for meal replacements. Especially breakfast?

Expert says Nothing can be replaced a meal, a meal mean combination of vitamin, mineral, carbohydrates, protein and fat. there is no magical shake or pills can help you to achieve your body requirements. Infused water do help in weight loss abut only with diet modifications.

Lots of people advise to take a spoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water early in morning. Does it really helps in reducing weight. Can we include plain curd in our diet?

Expert says Who ever is taking lemon water or honey etc please refrain from taking as your last meal of the day is dinner and after that next meal is breakfast so there is long gap between meals, due to this your stomach will produce gastric acid and this will react to citric acid present in lemon and may cause acidity in long run. So please avoid such thing empty stomach. Yes curd you can take as it is a good source of protein.

I have two kids 5 and 1 year old. 1st was normal and 2nd delivery was c section. After second delivery I have developed abdominal diastasis. It is 11/2 finger wide. Please let me know how can I close it and what are do's and don'ts for it.

Expert says There is not much relation between abdominal diastasis and food.. The only thing is you have to make your muscles strong, can achieve through exercise but strictly under supervision.. things to be taken care is lose weight if you are higher BMI and don't stress your body do not lift heavy things also baby too if possible. Please consult your doctor for that

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